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Show Planning Commission Met on Last Thursday The Planning Commission had a very busy evening on October 2nd. Kent Prestwich gave a report of the downtown businessmens meeting. Ik1 felt this was one of the most prolilableeveningsspenl for all those involved. I'mlcr unfinished business the Mike Kllis linal plait was to be presented. Mr. Ellis did not appear, but owners of the Pleasant Grove Estates were represented by Mr. Lester and Mr. Hazlett. Discussion of problems in the area were taken under consideration. Mr. Ellis is to be contacted. Annexation of the Marlin Hall property was discussed. Mr. Hall will be contacted. A directive from the Industrial Commission disallowed re-zoning re-zoning of industrial property back to residential. Robert Holdaway wished annexation and was directed to Mark Johnson to begin necessary proceedings. The Planning Commission will draw up covenants whereby the partilioner will understand the requirements for annexation into the cily. The Carter Ollivier land was discussed and those concerned will be advised of what they must do lo comply with city ordinances. The new County Service District was next item of business. This growth in the Highland and Manila area will have a definite impact on Pleasant Grove. We a,re in favor of a green belt buffer zone between communities. Kent Prestwich made Ihe motion that Ihe Planning Commission go on Ihe record favoring Ihe county's TR 10 Zone in areas surrounding surroun-ding our cily which will one day be annexed. The Preliminary of Tomlinson Acres was accepted with exception to Ihe name of Ihe street. Glen Phillips presented a proposal for duplexes. Mr. Phillips was asked for a more detailed plan of whal he intends lo do. |