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Show THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1975 PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW, PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1975 FMEL m do-- tocf pdy lSi Deer Hunting Hats - Sweat Shirts, Nylon Vests, Jackets IMSia IHliw'e MnHPaflSixw?af SUNBEAM ... SPECIAL BUY! I 1 BEAT THE COLD WEATHER . UUtlBHBBH: Electric ! I Thermal Underwear j Flannel Shirts 0f - 8W - SOVO P'f5 jl Shirts and Drawers j ta-".- vH DITTOS - DITTOS - DITTOS 1 . Medium Weights ji to J :! Ladies NEW Cotton SHIPMENT Blouses Ladies Saddle Back Jeans Heavyweight $49 jj Heavy Wool Shirts Western Shirts ,Amw --5L i 85 Australia Wool -- 15 Nylon ji You'll like the casual look B THERMAL SOX I; Washable I; One Group for Quick Sale ji You can't beat the value for Casual Wear Come see our selection of thousands of i Jersey Gloves yards l?0f"0fftO (fKP. 79C : or work 8g of New Fan Materials. jj yo 2(yJ yo Uli Hob Nob Jersey Gloves 99c I; III jj Table of Assorted ! Lined Jersey Gloves 99c i SNOW BLAZERS I Dress - Pants Shirts Ladies Slack Suits Giant Size $1.19 jj Mens $99 jj Remnant Lengths jj flflO AM All Kinds of Pants ij atBar9ainPrices-You'wanttoseethes- e ji O J)ua Levis - Lee Riders - Wranglers - Farah Jeans j! POyS $050 jj .. . iiiibimbibbibh j! Jf j! We ve just Received a shipment of mU! f?, LQdkse,SL d ii !; Fleece Lined Rubber Boots I f'"" "Airway" Luggage FrHira santa rosa brand ji Mens $7.99 jj Tote Weekend Yestcrdays Qualily Companion 2-Sui-ter, Cosmetic Case ned 3-Su-jter Boots and Work Shoes j! Attache Boys $7.50 For Work and Play ; ji Acme Cowboy Boots jj Special - Special - Special jj b.tv fNH (f 3 9g For the whole Family at ji No. 1 LEVIS - Friday and Saturday $QQ8 l US) ( UU ) ISv UU We have a big stock - Reg. $12.50 Vy U jj UU Christensens every Day "Family Budget" jj jj department stores Mary Advises Patrons 'Shop Local Merchants' by Mni'y West KvcryoiH' lovi's- ;i bargain. Todays shopper is more aware of Hie economy and the dif-ficulty of budgeting than generations of the past. The housewife if constantly trying to make ends meet, and in the process she is searching for the so called bargain. We need to lake a look at bargain buying and determine just what is a good buy. We are apt to look at our local stores and may find that some things cost more. We grumble and go elsewhere. At this point we need to stop and think before we leave town. We are going to be using extra gasoline and the lirice of that product alone v, hiltlcs away our budget at an alarming rate. Our trip out of town adds wear and tear on the automobile as well as uses our time. Time is money you know? One such d ip lor a pair of shoes ended up costing a friend of mine, time and money as well as frustration. My, friend decided to buy a pair of work shoes in Salt Lake City. Time and gas were used to make the Irip. ()( course we rationalize and say that a trip to the big city is fun and it will be an enjoyable outing. The shoes were worn for a few days and suddenly developed a squeak in the arch support. The buyer made a long distance call to see if an ad-justment could be made. The following Saturday another trip was made and this time it wasn't an enjoyable trip. Another few days passed and the stitching along the top of one shoe began to pull loose. Needless to say the shoes had to be taken lo the shoe shop for repair. This is a funny story to those not involved but it brings home the reality of our shop-ping and w hat started out to be a saving ended up quite the opposite. l'ricc is not always the determining factor when shopping for a bargain. If businesses are convenient and offer good service they need consideration. They may not have what you need, but it would be to your advantage to check with them first. As consumers we need to lake a serious look at our buying habits. Inflation is cause for concern among all of us. It is a proven fact that the consumer demands, cause price fluctuations. Likewise our shopping in Pleasant Grove has a direct influence on the growth and progress of (he town. We have experienced a sound growlh in the past. We need to expand and il lakes the y support. 1 1 V ALL15 VIEW IrlBiliKlACY U'liiuf --f . . I YOUTHFUL PLANNERS Valley View School class has been planning downtown de-velopment for P.G. They also asked the question 'How do we pay for improvement?' Valley View Plans Development that they will be included in a city wide survey in the next couple of months and that they w ill be able to give their ideas about what they think should be accomplished first. On many of the plans that the students submitted were notations of (Improve the Park) Of course young people are recreation oriented and all the plans gave attention to swimming pools, parks, motorcycle parks, and candy shops. Mr. McAffee's class was very aware of the cost of improving the area and have studied such by Mary West Pleasant Grove's downtown project has captured the in-terest of the young people of the town. Sixth grade students of the Valley View School have been working on their own plans for improvements. A visit to Mr. McAffee's class would prompt one to realize these boys and girls are iomorrows leaders. Perhaps a future Mayor of Pleasant Grove w ill come from this class and surely businesses will be operated by I hem. During a question and an-swer period students asked pertinent questions, such as, what new stores will come into town? What is the City going to do first lo improve (he looks of the (own? The students were informed important items as tax base. They were very well informed about where the dollars are spent and that when the dollars leave town, another community benefits thru the tax paid there. During the class discussion it was brought out that the plans that they have made along with other ideas are important. These plans when studied by experts help formulate final plans. Businessmen of the town are concerned about the growth of Pleasant Grove. Along with growth they must maintain good services and a warm friendly relationship with the customer. A good plan takes the ideas of many and correlates them so that the needs and desires of the majority are served. With Ihe population expected to double within ten years these boys and girls will be par-ticipating in the development and progress just as they finish their basic education program. The next ten years should be exciting and prosperous. The class will be able to watch the progress and know that they participated in the beginning plans. -h - ?s-- : .'v I jtr i V . ; i x ' X I h'1- - " - 1 ' ! , : "' i EXERCISE Lindon class exercises for 'Lion Hunt', with teacher showing them how. Class practices making sounds, and also did other exercises with teacher helping. Lindon Elementary Class Has Physical Fitness Class This Week Goin' on a lion hunt! I'm not afraid. ...gunna catch a big one... Paula Harrison, student teacher with Miss Stockseth's first grade class, prepared the children to be good hunters. Under Mrs. Harrison's direction Ihe cl.'.ldren daily exercised their muscles and practiced their skills by jogging, jumping, swinging, climbing, and etc. As a culmination of this P.E. unit Mrs. Harrison prepared a complete jungle course. This included: cliff crawling, vine swinging, log walking, and stepping stones, all modified for safety and performed in the school gym on such equipment as the balance beam, the climbing rope and the cross bars. Following their successful completion of these activities each child received a cer-tificate stating that they are now members of the first grade hunters fitness can be fun! - Walker Family Honors Parents with Potluck Dinner Last Sunday Afternoon On Sunday after the closing session of General Conference the family of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker gave a pot luck dinner in (heir honor at the home of their daughter Carol, Mrs. David W Paul at Pleasant View. The Walkers had recently had their eighty second and eighty first bir-thdays. Other hosts for the party besides Mrs. Paul were her sister, Mrs. Anne Thomas and her son Sterling and family of Sandy; her daughters, Carolyn, Suzanne and Teresa, Mrs. Weldon Jacobs of West Joi dan: her brother Stan and wife Lorna and son Harold and daughter Holly of Lindon. The Pauls six children helped with the serving of the dinner. Twenty five family members enjoyed the party. Of the Walkers three children, iourteen grandchildren ana six great grandchildren, only two grandchildren were absent. Pat Walker who lives in California and Jeanne Walker who is in Jerusalem, Isreal on a BYU study tour. They are daughters of Stan and Lorna. nuHBBBBnamu Orem Students Visit at Pioneer I Museum Recently Three third grade classes of ( Westmore School at Orem on a recent visit to the Pleasant Grove Pioneer Museum and log cabin were so interested in the stories of pioneer life told them by their guides, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker they asked w here they could find more fun stories like that to read at home. Orem, having been settled later than our town has fewer pioneer traditions. The classes showed their appreciation for the tour by making generous contributions lo the upkeep of the , historic buildings. Teachers of Ihe classes were Dianne Babcock, Florence Warner and Sherry Christensen. Not ignorance, but the ignor-ance of ignorance, is Ihe death of. knowledge; An optimist is a person who thintehe can break up a traffic jam by blowing his horn. Those who complain about th4 way the ball bounces are usual-ly the ones who dropped it. Some people drive like tomor-row isn't worth waiting for. VFW Post Sets Meeting Tonight VFW l'osl TMu will hold their monthly Hireling at 7:'M) p.m. in Ihe cily hall. All war veterans are invited lo attend the meeting The wise learn many things from their foes. Advice is least heeded when mosl needed. Some people never escape from the confinement of their own prejudice. For every student with a spark of genius, there's a dozen with ignition trouble. |