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Show Allicimbm Theater Sets 'Showboat for Nov. 1 'I he ( 'rove Theater is taking on a new look inside and on! in preparation lor Ihe first Alhanibia Playhouse Theater produetion .Nov. 1 is Ihe (lala Invitational Premier ol SIKIW PDAT". the ureal iiiiisieal drama by Jerome kearn and Osear llam-merstein llam-merstein based on Kdna I'crber's book aboul hie on Ihe Mississippi liiver. Ucgular run ol Ihe play is seheduled lor Nov. :: thru Nov. K. The exeellenl cast ol aelors, suij'.ers. and daneers have been in rehearsals lor I weeks with promise ol a great evening of entertainment. The east, under Ihe direction of Joel Osborne, included: Pam Heck, Dennis Jackson, Joyce Harney, William Peterson. Nancy Kkios. Koger I lowers. Florence Halett. and many more talented people. I'-onnie Hunker as choreographer, has created dances thai lit Ihe mood and excitement of Ihe era of Ihe Showboat. I'ndcr (I'ene l.arscn's baton, the chorus of mature voices have perfected Hie lilting background lor when Hill Peterson sings, "ol i;m liiver" , and Joyce Harney as Ihe tragic Julie sings "Can't Help Loving Dal Man". Mr. 1. arson will conduct the ac-companing ac-companing (I piece orchestra. Tickets go on sale Oct. l:l at Ihe (irove Theater in Pleasant (irove, or can be ordered by tailing Duke Major 7115-222(1. liales lor groups of 2f or more are available and family tickets. |