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Show Woolstons Art Exhibit Starts Sunday in Provo lhuold ;iiicl V .. Wnolstnn. local ;ir! ists. arc holdi.:;.; ;m .il l exhibit ill Iheir paintings and draw inj's al I lie l'ruvo City I liliu Huilding. T.A Wcsl lliui North. I'rovo I lali. The local artists cordially invite their Iricnds and the people til I'lcasanl drove to eiime and see lliis exliihil. The opening Tea V ill he Ihis coming Sunday, (let. 12. Ironi :i to p in. The exhibit will eonliiuie al Ihe t lilily Building tliruugh Ihe imiiith of ( leloher. The loeal arlisls have been aelive in painting and other works ol art in this area lor a number ol years. Harold is Ihe former ail inslruelor at Ihe loeal high sehool. |