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Show Fall and Winter Recreation to Begin Oct. 20-25 The Fall and Winter Recreation Programs will begin during (he week October 20-25. Classes which will be offered will be pottery, Archery, Ar-chery, Sewing (beginning), Creative Dance, Kara tec (Tae-Kow-Do Style), Men's Fast and Slow Break Basketball Leagues. Various other activities will be announced during the year. Some of these will be Boys Basketball. Balam Basketball, Girls Cheerleading, Boys Wrestling. last-Pilch Softball Clinic, Chess Tournament, Skiing. Pinewood Derby Racing, Ice Skating and Swimming. Next weeks paper will have lull details of the various programs being offered, wilh additional information being son! home w ith school children. Those men who would like to enter a team and or join a team in the Slow-Break and Fast-Break Fast-Break Tournament should plan on attending a planning meeting Oct. 22nd at the Jr. High School at 7:00 p.m. If you desire additional information call Bill lloglund 7I!5-:i!)(;7. |