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Show THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1975 PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW, PLEASANT GROVE UTAH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1975 Allicimbm Theater Sets 'Showboat for Nov. 1 'I he ( 'rove Theater is taking on a new look inside and on! in preparation lor Ihe first Alhanibia Playhouse Theater produetion .Nov. is Ihe (lala Invitational Premier ol SIKIW PDAT". the ureal iiiiisieal drama by Jerome kearn and Osear llam-merstei-based on Kdna I'crber's book aboul hie on Ihe Mississippi liiver. Ucgular run ol Ihe play is seheduled lor Nov. :: thru Nov. K. The exeellenl cast ol aelors, suij'.ers. and daneers have been in rehearsals lor I weeks with promise ol a great evening of entertainment. The east, under Ihe direction of Joel Osborne, included: Pam Heck, Dennis Jackson, Joyce Harney, William Peterson. Nancy Kkios. Koger lowers. Florence Halett. and many more talented people. Hunker as choreographer, has created dances thai lit Ihe mood and excitement of Ihe era of Ihe Showboat. I'ndcr (I'ene l.arscn's baton, the chorus of mature voices have perfected Hie lilting background lor when Hill Peterson sings, "ol i;m liiver" , and Joyce Harney as Ihe tragic Julie sings "Can't Help Loving Dal Man". Mr. 1. arson will conduct the (I piece orchestra. Tickets go on sale Oct. l:l at Ihe (irove Theater in Pleasant (irove, or can be ordered by tailing Duke Major liales lor groups of 2f or more are available and family tickets. FOf? FAST, COMPETENT REAL ESTATE SERVICE - CALL ! BOLEY REALTY, INC. Marjoris or Bob Lundell kSrorA"vJV756 6096 4 Maurice Peterjon 78M321 t Vl 7gg Something New in the Neighborhood! "The Kandie Shoppe" Beauty Salon Call Kandie 785-586- 8 985 N. 1st E. Pleasant Grove One Policy Insures Your " Home S-- v Personal Property 1zrI7I-- i H Personal Liability tU & s Automobile against fp; physical damage Jj A v Automobile Liability s Death Benefit optional Special additional benefits include Auto rental reimbursement during accident repairs $1 ,000 Accidental Death Benefit for named insured LOWELL J. BAXTER INS. 275 East State Rd. - Am. Fork - 756-637- 1 785-2- 1 1 8 f J ii iiiiii PiMH"'"' ffifmWrW.: 'I' "J "I CARTER'S WELDING & REPAIR State Inspection Station No. 1425 i kh COMPLETE WELDING SERVICE fgnjl $g4. AUTO REPAIR MQ I Qigs PORTABLE WELDING I TRAILER HITCHES TOW BARS I FOR RENT Furnish-ed Apartment. No smokers, No Pets. Phone 785-222- 016 LIGHT HONEY, this year's crop, 5 gal can 60 lb. $31.50 Call 785-348- KEEP carpet cleaning prob-lems small - use Blue Lus-tre wall to wall. Rent electric shampooer. RADMALL HARD-WARE. FOR SALE Rabbits and Cages, Flemish Giants and New Zealands '59 Ford Truck '76 inspection ,good condition, $185.00; 5 piece Welding Pearl Drum Set $125.00. Call Ralph after 6:30 p.m. 785-335- 6 09 TOMATOES! Croice Ripe or Pink. You pick or we can. 3 houses east of Highland Ward north from American Fork. Pheno 756-441- 09 Sell me your empty Baby Food Bottles, 3c each for clean jars with lids. Call 785-303- 6 09 IF YOU WANT THE BEST CUSTOM FIT - FIGURETTE Call Shirley Stone, 785-257- Ann Pace, 785-382- Shauna Cook, Phone 785-255- S4tf FOR SALE Small Kitchen Range and Norge Range. Double Oven Tappan Range, 3 pc. Vanity Set; Sunbeam r; 2 desks; Green Nylon Couch, good condition 2 pc. Book Cupboard Phone 785-420- A9 Childrens Parties! Let me take care of it. I'll arrange any part or all. Specialize in enter-taining children with games. Very Reasonable. Call 785-303- 09 WEDDING DRESSES for Rent Zabriskie's. Ph 785-345- tf COMPLETE INSURANCE SER-VIC-Fireman's Fund, Am-erican Fire, Homeowners, Auto No Fault, Off Road Rec-reation Vehicles. Mobile Home, FOR SALE Lincoln Contin-ental Mark III. $3100.00 See al 410 South I3th East, P. G. Phone 785-436- 016 WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOME Phone 785-608- 09 "LIST 'EM WITH LISTON" " We may have THE KEY you have been looking for . . . call LISTON 756-769- ELEGANT AND SPACIOUS are the words that describe this 3 bedroom, white brick hoem in A.F. 1737 sq. ft. of lov-ely Jiving apace, and all on one floor. 1 baths, sunken living room, rock fireplace. Large builtin China cabinet and pantry. Beautifully landscaped. Patio, thermo-pan- e window air conditionined, bartile roof. The double garage is attached, paneled and has an automatic door-opene- Make this one a must to see. Immediate poss-ession, price reduced. OWNER TRANFERRED Move in Immediately four bedrooms Full basement 1 baths, carpets, drapes, fireplace, garage, plus a land-scaped and fenced yard and pation. Price Deduced To Sell. Make us an offer! QEirjannnnQQ I mmms wnm um J? jj B IP-- 1 GenG"ine BtGrease 19c Can 1 Vyh S I jll GenG7e Pistol Belt --$1- -49 Ea. 0 Blaze Orange Genuine Canteens Avf Q D Safety Vests .49Ea. Gl steel $1.88 Plastic 88 - ' g ; D Genuine Ammo Pouches Targets D g Game Bags 49 Ea. Gl ah Nylon 99 1Q for 25 D Genuine Intrenching Tools g siip on gi $5.95 & $7.95 y8" Nylon Cord o Recoil Pads.. 88 Ea. ed Intrenching Tools so Foot 99 g g $2.95 Each n: r . Mickey Mouse Boots Blaze0range g S , B,cks $19.95 Vinyl Ponchos $1.99 Ea. q R f I " i e Sling- - Whe $25.00 0 1 $1.99 Ea Genuine Sno.packs from Gl Canteen Covers 88 Each Insulated Boots... $4.95 g H 1 Q Ram Gear "Gorilla Boot" Water Repellant g-g 2-P- c. Rain Suit I iHl! All Leather 5 I' Wedge Sole ,arPS f g All-Rubb- PMl 9" Too ' g: g $8.95 fc-'M-, 2-P- c. Rain Suit 1, M 088 . Camoflauge S 5x7 5-9- 5 Reg. $23.95 S $lZ.3 N,--j 6x8 $7.95 g D - 7x9 $9.95 g: Blaze Orange 8xl0 $13.95 E 2-P- c. Rain Suit 10x12 $19.95 Steel Toe i KjRjj-- r ENGINEER BOOT ff eping Bags B All Leather I U RI jf, Dac88Fill C Q 11 P l Canvas or Nylon D 612 10 9 L s 2 She" 2: 5 5195 . Some Over-Siz- e fP y ijd $11 $10 D -- . Reg. $29.95 STZ1iu jXJl & & &J I g Ammo Cans values to $40.00 g 99( Ea. I I A Super Bargain g; g FRONTIER AMMUNITION n D 222; 22-25- 0 $3.69 Box 30-3- 0 .......$3.99 Box g n 243..... $4.49 Box $4.69 Box . g: 1 --Q: S 100 Goose Down Parka American Made $2.99 g g Reverses to Blaze Orange Pocket Knives and f Reg. $59.95 $36.95 All Sizes - Values to $10.00 $3.99 g jj S tenuis Sorplys S SUNDAY 500 West State Road American Fork SUNDAY D OCT. 12 9:30 - 7:30, Mon.- - Fri. 9:30 - 6:00 Sat. OCT. 12 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnonnnnQnnnnnDannnQnnnannrS 1 I.O.ST STROLLER ON P. G. MAIN STREET. Call 785-736- 09 APPLES Pick Your Own-B- ring your own containers Forrest Loader. APPLES AND PRUNES JIM HARVEY - 9200 N. 4300 W. Phone 785-209- 09 LOST FEMALE DOG, Black Curly Hair. Tassle Tail Reward. Phone 785-420- 09 FOR SALE Kitchen Table 5 chairs and matching High Chair. Kitchen Sink and Bath-room Sink. Good for cabin or Utility Room. 785-391- 09 1 Strip, repair refinish wooden furniture at my home. Mr. Tip Arwine, Phone 785-295- 1 after 6 p.m. 1566 Blackhawk Drive, Pleasant Grove. N6 PEOPLE every day clean car-pets the easy way with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampo-oer $1, $2, $3, BEN FRANK-LIN STORE. FOR SALE Like new Stereo Radio. 8 track tape player turn table, with stand, two speakers. Best offer. Phone 785-371- 09 BEGINNING PIANO LESSONS Call 785-436- 7 for informa-tion. 09 APPLES Excllent for can-ning. $1 bushel you pick 9905 N. 4000 W. (Manila) Pleasant Grove. 29 DIET CENTER-Balanc- ed Diet, supplement with an invert sugar that helps avoid the cra-ving for sweets, personalized attention. Call me I can help you lose weigtht. 785-563- J30 Sleeping Problem? Restless? Get Snoozer Tablets for safe night's sleep. Only 98c. STORY PHARMACY 023 12x64 "Buddy" Mobile Home, with expanding living room 3 bedrooms fully carpeted beau-tifully draped, skirting and new large storage shed includ-ed. $7,200.00 or best offer. We will carry contract with low down payment to save you re-financing charges. Call 489-613- 3 in Springville after 4:30 p.m. Oil IRON POOR BLOOD? Try iron rich Harvestime Blackstrap Molasses capsules, STORY PHARMACY, Pleasant Grove Oct23 PRATT & LAMBERT PAINT Allred Builders Supply, Ph. 785-222- tf SPORTSMAN AND LIONS CENTER will rent for Family Reunions, Parties, Ban-uets- . Also a full gun range for small bore rifles & handguns. SPECIAL FOR SUMMER This building is Air Condition-ed. For information call Joyce Smith, 785-371- or Carter Ser-vice, 785-907- JylOlf SLAG, SAND, GRAVEL FOR SALE. Call John W. Roundy 785-409- No answer call 785-495- M22tf NEED INSURANCE NOW Call Clive Beck or see him al 739 E. 2nd So. Ph. 785-217- PI. Grove. Agent for Farmers Ins. Group. All lines of insurance II TOP SOIL FOR SALEChoice Alpine Mountain Top Soil Carl A. Pack, 756-327- 8 or 756-296- Oct.31 HATCH JEWELRY 33 W. Main, Am. Fork. REG. Watch cleaning, guaranteed repairs. Your Bulova, Wyler, Elgin and Caraville dealer; Art. Carved Diamond Rings, written guar-antee; 13 Off on Trophies and Engravings. tf LADIES Do you have low Blood Sugar and nibble all day? Try my Shackley Protein Phone 785-246- tf HUNT'S PEST CONTROL Yard Spray-ing, Household pesls, fully li-censed by state and PI. Grove City. Ph. 768-344- tf Bonds, Non Standard, Commer-cial, Atwood Realty, 785-266- BULL SERVICE Variety of Breeds Phone 785-227- 1 or 225-043- tf TYPERWRITER and ADDING MACHINE RENTAL & RE-PAIR SERVICE. Priday's Of-fice Supply, 756-447- Am. Fork tf FOR LEASE 2000 Sq. Ft. Concrete Building. Excellent for light Mfg. or Warehouse. Available 20 May. Call 785-355- tf HARDING CUSTOM FENCING Contractor. Also Rototilling. Phones ; 785-244- tf DRAPER ROOFING Shing-les and Shakes; Quality Work. Phone 785-299- Jl tf CHOICE TOP SOIL Free of Dandelions & Morning Glory. FILL DIRT AND SAND All types of Slag Excavating and General Building N & N DEVELOPMENT, INC. Gene Nelson, 390 North Main, Pleas-ant Grove, Phone 785-216- evenings or 756-206- during the day. J23tf I'lllli: l"l' S;ki. (Kin lor a quick s;ilc. IhIuv I;hi;c home in lic;c,.iiil Cmivc i) bedroom. I li.'illi. I.iniilv room. ;mil double l';ir;i(.'.c. WUinnAA l;e;il Ksl;ile (,ui V csi m i ..'hi via. ..:::, tm I'l.l'A'TV oi mm i: i.ovi.m; ( aim: i,v up in lliis bedroom brick home on he.'ilililiill'. I.iiidsc;iped deep lot in I'l ',ioe ;".ir,nu A. 1,'c.il .sl:ilc i it- Ciii Wcsl SI l.ehi, ( )) 14 ACRES of god Farm Ground with two homes on it. Highland area, North of Am. Fork. Can be split into two or three par-cels. 4 YEAR OLD 3 bedroom home with full base-ment. Excellent view, Alpine, you will love thisone, priced at $31,900. 3 Acres of Choice Land north of Pleasant Grove. $5,500 per acre. Double wide 2 Bedroom Mobil Home, Excellent condition, landscaped on two acres all fenced in Cedar Fort. OLDER 3 BEDROOM BRICK with Garden Space. Ideal loca-tion in American Fork. ELEGANT SPANISH INSIDE AND OUT in Lehi, 4 bedroom, slump block with 1, baths, carpet drapes, built ins, utility rm., with extra range, 2250 sq. ft. all on gound floor. Fin. rm with fireplace, also a lovely sunken living room with a fire-place and water fountain. At-tached dbl garage with elec. trie door-owene- landscaped, barbecue, and patio. Country atmosphere a must to see. $59,900.00. LISTON REALTY 275 EAST STATE ROAD American Fork, Utah 756-769- MERRILL LISTON 785-378- LARRY TAYLOR 225-623- Woolstons Art Exhibit Starts Sunday in Provo lhuold ;iiicl V .. Wnolstnn. local ;ir! ists. arc holdi.:;.; ;m .il l exhibit ill Iheir paintings and draw inj's al lie l'ruvo City I liliu Huilding. T.A Wcsl lliui North. I'rovo I lali. The local artists cordially invite their Iricnds and the people til I'lcasanl drove to eiime and see lliis exliihil. The opening Tea V ill he Ihis coming Sunday, (let. 12. Ironi :i to p in. The exhibit will eonliiuie al Ihe t lilily Building tliruugh Ihe imiiith of ( leloher. The loeal arlisls have been aelive in painting and other works ol art in this area lor a number ol years. Harold is Ihe former ail inslruelor at Ihe loeal high sehool. the perfect diplomat is adept at playing ihe heuds-I-wi- IHraiuutt (Srmte IRnunu Subscription Rate in advance: $4.00 yearly; 10c single copy Publisher! every Thursday at 1 South Main, Pleasant Grove, Utah 840G2 (Moiling address P.O. Box 278) and Second Class Poslago paid al the post office. Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062. A. B. Gibson Editor Publisher Jack S. Pnce Manager Jock Hill Sports Editor |