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Show FOf? FAST, COMPETENT REAL ESTATE SERVICE - CALL ! BOLEY REALTY, INC. Marjoris or Bob Lundell k roAvJV 756 6096 Sr" , 4 Maurice Peterjon 78M321 t Vl 7gg Something New in the Neighborhood! "The Kandie Shoppe" Beauty Salon Call Kandie 785-5868 985 N. 1st E. Pleasant Grove One Policy Insures Your " Home S-d v Personal Property 1zrI7I-i H Personal Liability tU & s Automobile against fp; j physical damage Jj A v Automobile Liability s Death Benefit optional Special additional benefits include Auto rental reimbursement during accident repairs $1 ,000 Accidental Death Benefit for named insured LOWELL J. BAXTER INS. 275 East State Rd. - Am. Fork - 756-6371 785-21 1 8 f !! I J ii iiiiii i i. PiMH"'"' ffifmWrW.: 'I' "J "I CARTER'S WELDING & REPAIR State Inspection Station No. 1425 i kh COMPLETE WELDING SERVICE fgnjl $g4. AUTO REPAIR MQ I Qigs PORTABLE WELDING I TRAILER HITCHES TOW BARS I FOR RENT 3-Room Furnished Furnish-ed Apartment. No smokers, No Pets. Phone 785-2226. 016 LIGHT HONEY, this year's crop, 5 gal can 60 lb. $31.50 Call 785-3481. KEEP carpet cleaning problems prob-lems small - use Blue Lustre Lus-tre wall to wall. Rent electric shampooer. RADMALL HARDWARE. HARD-WARE. FOR SALE Rabbits and Cages, Flemish Giants and New Zealands '59 Ford Truck '76 inspection ,good condition, $185.00; 5 piece Welding Pearl Drum Set $125.00. Call Ralph after 6:30 p.m. 785-3356 09 TOMATOES! Croice Ripe or Pink. You pick or we can. 3 houses east of Highland Ward north from American Fork. Pheno 756-4419. 09 Sell me your empty Baby Food Bottles, 3c each for clean jars with lids. Call 785-3036 09 IF YOU WANT THE BEST CUSTOM FIT - FIGURETTE Call Shirley Stone, 785-2578, Ann Pace, 785-3820, Shauna Cook, Phone 785-2558. S4tf FOR SALE Small Kitchen Range and Norge Range. Double Oven Tappan Range, 3 pc. Vanity Set; Sunbeam Mix-master; Mix-master; 2 desks; Green Nylon Couch, good condition 2 pc. Book Cupboard Phone 785-4201. 785-4201. A9 Childrens Parties! Let me take care of it. I'll arrange any part or all. Specialize in entertaining enter-taining children with games. Very Reasonable. Call 785-3036. 785-3036. 09 WEDDING DRESSES for Rent Zabriskie's. Ph 785-3456. tf COMPLETE INSURANCE SER-VICE SER-VICE Fireman's Fund, American Am-erican Fire, Homeowners, Auto No Fault, Off Road Recreation Rec-reation Vehicles. Mobile Home, FOR SALE Lincoln Continental Contin-ental Mark III. $3100.00 See al 410 South I3th East, P. G. Phone 785-4360 016 WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOME Phone 785-6080 09 "LIST 'EM WITH LISTON" We " may have THE KEY you have been looking for . . . call LISTON 756-7692. ELEGANT AND SPACIOUS are the words that describe this 3 bedroom, white brick hoem in A.F. 1737 sq. ft. of lovely lov-ely Jiving apace, and all on one floor. 1 baths, sunken living room, rock fireplace. Large builtin China cabinet and pantry. Beautifully landscaped. Patio, thermo-pane window air conditionined, bartile roof. The double garage is attached, paneled and has an automatic door-opener. Make this one a must to see. Immediate possession, poss-ession, price reduced. OWNER TRANFERRED Move in Immediately four bedrooms Full basement 1 baths, carpets, drapes, fireplace, garage, plus a landscaped land-scaped and fenced yard and pation. Price Deduced To Sell. Make us an offer! QEirjannnnQQ I mmms wnm um J? jj B IP- 1 GenG"ine BtGrease 19c Can 1 Vyh S I jll GenG7e Pistol Belt --$1-49 Ea. ' 0 Blaze Orange Genuine Canteens Avf Q D Safety Vests .49Ea. Gl steel $1.88 Plastic 88 - ' g ; a D Genuine Ammo Pouches Targets D g Game Bags 49 Ea. Gl ah Nylon 99 1Q for 25 D Genuine Intrenching Tools g siip on gi $5.95 & $7.95 y8" Nylon Cord o Recoil Pads.. 88 Ea. ed Intrenching Tools so Foot 99 g g $2.95 Each n: r . Mickey Mouse Boots Blaze0range M ftft g S c , - B,cks $19.95 Vinyl Ponchos $1.99 Ea. q n R i f I e Sling- C0K nn " 1 $1.99 Ea Genuine Whe $25.00 Sno.packs from 0 Gl Canteen Covers 88 Each Insulated Boots... $4.95 g H 1 Q Ram Gear "Gorilla Boot" Water Repellant g- g 2-Pc. Rain Suit I iHl! All Leather Tarnc n 5 I' m Wedge Sole ,arPS f g All-Rubber PMl 9" Too g: g $8.95 fc-'M, ' 2-Pc. Rain Suit 1, M 088 Camoflauge ! cc QC . S C19QI; 1 Reg. $23.95 5x7 5-95 S $lZ.3 N,-j 6 6x8 $7.95 g D : - 7x9 $9.95 g: Blaze Orange 8xl0 $13.95 E 2-Pc. Rain Suit 10x12 $19.95 Steel Toe If i KjRjj-r ENGINEER BOOT ff eping Bags B l.JJ All Leather I n o cm r U RI jf, Dac88Fill C Q 11 P l Canvas or Nylon D 2 612 10 9 L s She" 2: 5 5195 . Some Over-Size fP y ijd $11 $10 D -. Reg. $29.95 STZ1iu jXJl & & &J I g Ammo Cans values to $40.00 g 99( Ea. I I A Super Bargain g; g FRONTIER AMMUNITION n D 222; 22-250 $3.69 Box 30-30 .......$3.99 Box g n 243..... $4.49 Box 30-06;270;308 $4.69 Box g: 1 . -Q: S 100 Goose Down Parka American Made $2.99 g g Reverses to Blaze Orange Pocket Knives and f Reg. $59.95 $36.95 All Sizes - Values to $10.00 $3.99 g jj S tenuis Sorplys S SUNDAY 500 West State Road American Fork SUNDAY D OCT. 12 9:30 - 7:30, Mon.- Fri. 9:30 - 6:00 Sat. OCT. 12 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnonnnnQnnnnnDannnQnnnannrS 1 I.O.ST STROLLER ON P. G. MAIN STREET. Call 785-7362. 785-7362. 09 APPLES Pick Your Own-Bring Own-Bring your own containers Forrest Loader. APPLES AND PRUNES JIM HARVEY - 9200 N. 4300 W. Phone 785-2097. 09 LOST FEMALE DOG, Black Curly Hair. Tassle Tail Reward. Phone 785-4203. 09 FOR SALE Kitchen Table 5 chairs and matching High Chair. Kitchen Sink and Bathroom Bath-room Sink. Good for cabin or Utility Room. 785-3912 09 1 Strip, repair refinish wooden furniture at my home. Mr. Tip Arwine, Phone 785-2951 after 6 p.m. 1566 Blackhawk Drive, Pleasant Grove. N6 PEOPLE every day clean carpets car-pets the easy way with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer shampo-oer $1, $2, $3, BEN FRANKLIN FRANK-LIN STORE. FOR SALE Like new Stereo Radio. 8 track tape player turn table, with stand, two speakers. Best offer. Phone 785-3711. 09 BEGINNING PIANO LESSONS Call 785-4367 for information. informa-tion. 09 APPLES Excllent for canning. can-ning. $1 bushel you pick 9905 N. 4000 W. (Manila) Pleasant Grove. 29 DIET CENTER-Balanced Diet, supplement with an invert sugar that helps avoid the craving cra-ving for sweets, personalized attention. Call me I can help you lose weigtht. 785-5630 J30 Sleeping Problem? Restless? Get Snoozer Tablets for safe night's sleep. Only 98c. STORY PHARMACY 023 12x64 "Buddy" Mobile Home, with expanding living room 3 bedrooms fully carpeted beautifully beau-tifully draped, skirting and new large storage shed included. includ-ed. $7,200.00 or best offer. We will carry contract with low -down payment to save you refinancing re-financing charges. Call 489-6133 489-6133 in Springville after 4:30 p.m. Oil IRON POOR BLOOD? Try iron rich Harvestime Blackstrap Molasses capsules, STORY PHARMACY, Pleasant Grove Oct23 PRATT & LAMBERT PAINT Allred Builders Supply, Ph. 785-2221. tf SPORTSMAN AND LIONS CENTER will rent for Family Reunions, Parties, Ban-uets. Ban-uets. Also a full gun range for small bore rifles & handguns. SPECIAL FOR SUMMER This building is Air Conditioned. Condition-ed. For information call Joyce Smith, 785-3711 or Carter Service, Ser-vice, 785-9077. JylOlf SLAG, SAND, GRAVEL FOR SALE. Call John W. Roundy 785-4096. No answer call 785-4959. 785-4959. M22tf NEED INSURANCE NOW Call Clive Beck or see him al 739 E. 2nd So. Ph. 785-2172 PI. Grove. Agent for Farmers Ins. Group. All lines of insurance II TOP SOIL FOR SALEChoice Alpine Mountain Top Soil Carl A. Pack, 756-3278 or 756-2961. 756-2961. Oct.31 HATCH JEWELRY 33 W. Main, Am. Fork. REG. Watch cleaning, guaranteed repairs. Your Bulova, Wyler, Elgin and Caraville dealer; Art. Carved Diamond Rings, written guarantee; guar-antee; 13 Off on Trophies and Engravings. tf LADIES Do you have low Blood Sugar and nibble all day? Try my Shackley Protein Phone 785-2461. tf HUNT'S PEST CONTROL SER-VICE-Termites, Yard Spraying, Spray-ing, Household pesls, fully licensed li-censed by state and PI. Grove City. Ph. 768-3449. tf Bonds, Non Standard, Commercial, Commer-cial, Atwood Realty, 785-2661. BULL SERVICE Variety of Breeds Phone 785-2271 or 225-0432. tf TYPERWRITER and ADDING MACHINE RENTAL & REPAIR RE-PAIR SERVICE. Priday's Office Of-fice Supply, 756-4471 Am. Fork tf FOR LEASE 2000 Sq. Ft. Concrete Building. Excellent for light Mfg. or Warehouse. Available 20 May. Call 785-3554. 785-3554. tf HARDING CUSTOM FENCING Contractor. Also Rototilling. Phones 785-4938; 785-2446. tf DRAPER ROOFING Shingles Shing-les and Shakes; Quality Work. Phone 785-2992 Jl tf CHOICE TOP SOIL Free of Dandelions & Morning Glory. FILL DIRT AND SAND All types of Slag Excavating and General Building N & N DEVELOPMENT, INC. Gene Nelson, 390 North Main, Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove, Phone 785-2165 evenings or 756-2067 during the day. J23tf I'lllli: l"l' S;ki. (Kin lor a quick s;ilc. IhIuv I;hi;c home in lic;c,.iiil Cmivc i) bedroom. I li.'illi. I.iniilv room. ;mil double l';ir;i(.'.c. WUinnAA l;e;il Ksl;ile (,ui V csi m i ..'hi via. ..:::, tm I'l.l'A'TV oi 1 1 mm i: i.ovi.m; ( aim: i,v up in lliis bedroom brick home on he.'ilililiill'. I.iiidsc;iped deep lot in I'l ',ioe ;".ir,nu A. 1,'c.il -.sl:ilc J i it- Ciii Wcsl SI l.ehi, 7(;-2.r):!.r). ( )) 14 ACRES of god Farm Ground with two homes on it. Highland area, North of Am. Fork. Can be split into two or three parcels. par-cels. 4 YEAR OLD 3 bedroom home with full basement. base-ment. Excellent view, Alpine, you will love thisone, priced at $31,900. 3 Acres of Choice Land north of Pleasant Grove. $5,500 per acre. Double wide 2 Bedroom Mobil Home, Excellent condition, landscaped on two acres all fenced in Cedar Fort. OLDER 3 BEDROOM BRICK with Garden Space. Ideal location loca-tion in American Fork. ELEGANT SPANISH INSIDE AND OUT in Lehi, 4 bedroom, slump block with 1 1, baths, carpet drapes, built ins, utility rm., with extra range, 2250 sq. ft. all on gound floor. Fin. rm with fireplace, also a lovely sunken living room with a fireplace fire-place and water fountain. Attached At-tached dbl garage with elec. trie door-owener, landscaped, barbecue, and patio. Country atmosphere a must to see. $59,900.00. LISTON REALTY 275 EAST STATE ROAD American Fork, Utah 756-7692 MERRILL LISTON 785-3787 LARRY TAYLOR 225-6233 |