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Show THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1974 PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW, PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1974 CHERIE GOURLEY In Who's Who Cherie Gourley Selected for Who's Who Edition Cherie Gourley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gourley, has been selected by Educa-tional Communications, Inc. for demonstrating leadership in FHA projects. Her name and biography will appear in "Who' Who Among American High School Students." "Who's Who Among Ameri-can High School Students" was first published in 1967 to. "rec-ognize the positive achieve-ment of our nations most out-standing high school students." That first edition featured a total of 13,000 students from 4,000 schools. The four volume 1973-7- 4 edition will include ap-proximately 180,000 students representing 20,000 public, pri-vate and parochial high schools nationwide. "Who's Who" enjoys the co-operation of more of our na-tion's leading high schools, youth program sponsors, than any other achievement publica-tion program. Recognition in Who's Who cannot be bought or sold ... it is earned on mer-it only. ECI also sponsors and publishes the Annual Survey of High Achievers, an study of student opinions and attitudes compiled by students and conducted among students featured in Who's Who. Cherie is a senior at Pleas-ant Grove High School and is active in FHA, GAA and stu-dent government. Her hobbies include horseback riding, swim-ming, all sports, sewing and cooking. After graduation she plans to go to Utah State and major in Child Development. MINI MAC 35 & OUTDOORSMAN KIT s160 Value .5 Special $1j44 'ZJ) Offer sprocket nose ba & chain I McCulioch's Mini Mac 35 features a big 2 cu. in. engine, a big 14" sprocket nose bar and automatic oiling. Plus our special Outdoorsman Kit. It's everything you need to cut like a pro. Deluxe carrying case, complete chain saw maintenance kit with files, gauges, wrenchscrew-driver, oil, chain oil, gas can, and 101 projects book. I ALLRED BUILDERS SUPPLY 200 East State Road - Phone 785-222- 1 - Pleasant Grove Ml Ground Beef 69 lb, BEEF SHANK lb 79 RIB STEAK, lb $1.49 BONELESS JQASIJb $1.29 POT ROAST wy lb. ROUND BONE ROAST lb $1.19 SHANK HAM, A & R lb 89 BUTT HAM, lb 99' RUSSET POTATOES y lb. BROCCOLI, lb 39' SPINACH, lb 49' ORANGES, lb. 15 14 oz. Potato Chips 794 MILK, 2 Vi Gal 63" WHOLE MILK, Vi Gal 69 SOLID PACK BUTTER, 1 lb 85' l Ik au: ui Surwo5--340O TUESDAY NiGHT IS LADIES NIGHT NOW PLAYING - Runs to Tuesday, October 15 ' 00000OoOiOoo)( WALT DISNEY o. ad jUSt f0r the fun of it PRODUCTIONS presents f ffl) a The Walt Disneyfc and v --V TECHNICOLOR & ,o J? Released by BUCNAVISK DISTRIBUTION CO INC IS) 1974 Will Disney Productans Oo nfr Starts Next Wednesday, Oct. 16 ."TOT arkTkvain's KS&lrilucEtlebsiTVr ff jfrnn present! Mjw) & panavision-- A Musical Idaptation fluPn,; I mmI kmumsJ ttiif mmm L. rMr llll llJlB tllW TtrJ &SHJ HOMM tarikMtfJI Phone 785-203- 1 - Highway 91 - Lindon, Utah Big VI VI TOWELS 2 for.... 89 H0RMEL LiTLE SIZZLERS .. 69 BRAND X BACON lib... 69 " ' " Yin1 iTn'rrrvTnvwmflA Visit Our Gift Shop ; : Dried Flowers Wrought Iron Stoneware 1 Crystal ( Open 7--1 0, 7 Days a Week im. iiiiiicui fiueui BREAD 3 ? 95" BUTTERMILK BREAD, Wonder 53' WESTERN FAMILY BREAD 2 for 79' HOT DOG BUNS, 2 pkg. for .... 89" SLICED BOLOGNA 59 lb. M0UNTAIRE FRANKS, pkg. for 69 A & R LINK SAUSAGES lb 89' END CUT PORK CHOPS, lb. $1.09 IDEAL MARKET 43 So. Wain - Pleasant Grov Come in and pay Your Subscription 751 RADMALL 3D HARDWARE 15 South Main - PI. Grove - Ph. 785-22- 1 1 1 1 II ElSa During Sale J S I CS Ray-O-Va- c Brite Beam vr iffffj m OO Floating Lantern This all I y II V I OO weather floating lantern has 'S. II y ilU I r a waterproof switch, heavy ' II MjMi JL duty construction, is rust- - k CjlSIr proof and corrosion proof. ' "" wi- - ifiiiiiiiilf ( Shatterproof lens and high y Keg.lO. performance, prefocused r aii IfCTJli PRC Porta-Lit- e Lantern Single beam with shadowless cen- - J UnL niLIHL UnO wNil mantle propane lantern ter. Battery included. ff comes complete with re- - LM8-S- N '(( placeable fuel cylinder. siif. I r7 if W Ideal for camping, hunting, - ifT? I VJ j Reg 9.95 fishing, auto emergencies, f ! f Ttf mjy power failures, etc. TX007 ' w 'I , Durin9 Imiw nv VSx. Sale A uty J I 4 E3True Temper. Xs. $ 1 47 kSl! I Bow Saw Chrome-plate- d lwiiEiiC tubular steel frame with 15" X Q5J tempered steel blade and. safety guard. Exclusive non- - A Heavy Duty Lantern slip cushion grip. Overall . ... Battery Up to 70 more ser- - length, 16". K30 ' vice tnan ordinary six vo,t' f HI batteries. Sealed-in-ste- el ' jSj" construction. Guaranteed leak-proo- f. 944 Hunting Licenses Racer Sleeping Bag Outer 67 cover is cotton poplin with CCTC an attractive racing stripe, r V C3 I 3 Sturdy zipper. Warm 100 sportuneI cotton flannel lining. Size wt;h;8M5TRhrorhand KNIVES Get Your Deer Hunting License Early! Jim and Lyinins Steve's MEATS F0B 399 East State American Fork 399 East State American Fork Lynn Smith and Jim Sorensen Owners Steve Johnson Owner Mgr. BEEF RIB ROAST Boneless M 39 CAKE MIXES, 3 for $200 RIB STEAK, Boneless lb $13' uan..i T1B0NE STEAK, lb $1" p0TAT0ES' " lb. bag .... 69 SKINLESS FRANKS, lb 79' mK, 2 Vi gal 62$ SLICED BOLOGNA lb 79' DR. PEPPER, 6 pack 69 DIFi & REGULAR 1000 Island 8 oz. GROUND BEEF, lb 79' SALAD DRESSING, Milani 3 sl MIXED LUNCH MEAT, lb. 79' Fast Serivce Fresh Produce LINK SAUSAGE, lb 79 Low Prices t Funeral Rites Held Tuesday for (Catherine M. Hild Funeral Services were held Tuesday at 1 1 a.m. in the Olpin Mortuary for Katherine Mable Hild, 78 of 479 South 100 East, Pleasant Grove, who died Fri-day at the Utah Valley Hospi-tal of nautral causes. She was born Oct. 30, 1896 in Bussteon, Pa., a daughter of Albert and Annabelle Boileau. She married Archie Hill on Nov. 26, 1920 in Morton, Pa. She was a housewife and member of the Baptist Church. She had lived in Pleasant Grove since 1950. Surviving are her husband of Pleasant Grove; a son and three daughters, Harold B. Hild of Beulah, Colo.; Mrs. Rine-hol- d (Etta) Becker of Pleasant Grove; Mrs. Bessie Kuikendale of Orem; and Mrs. Harold (Annabelle) Melton of Guman, Okla.; 17 grandchildren; 23 great grandchildren; and one brother, Thomas Earl Boileau of Fairless Hills, Pa. Burial was in the Pleasant Grove City Cemetery. Many Tourists Visit DUP Log Cabin, Pioneer Museum During September the month of Pleasant Grove's birthday, hundreds of appreciative visit-ors have made tours of the Pioneer Museum and Log Cabin at Pioneer Park on 1st East and 1st South where they were shown photographs of early settlers and relics of that pio-neer period. Tourists included Duane Lindstrom and family from In-dependence, Missouri; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Harvey of Pebble Beach, California and Ed Eis-le- r and family of Provo. On Sept. 20, Miss Elizabeth Sartori and her third grade class from Central School, gained first hand knowledge of the settlement and home life of our community through a tour of the Pioneer Museum and log cabin. On Sept. 25, 96 pupils and teachers of three third grades of Westmore School at Orem enjoyed a tour of the building and the stories of life at that early day. Orem was not set-tled until three years later. The teachers were Ruth Sandgren, Diane Babcock, Florence War-ner and Sherry Christensen. Latest visitors were the 4th grades of Grovecrest School, taught by Maxine Fugal and Helen Harper. These classes have sent letters of apprecia-tion for the interesting tour. Guides for the tours were members of the Museum Com-mittee, Louie Gillman, Nora Macfarlane and Lucile Walker. The committee invites other groups, besides schools so-cial, church and civic to come during pleasant fall weather to see the historic buildings. Ar-rangements may be made by calling Mrs. Harold Walker, 785-313- Guides will be pro-vided. Families wishing to hold a family home evening at the park and museum are welcome. Several have availed themselv-es of this experience and report a rewarding experience. Funeral Held Last Friday for Archie W. Nielson Funeral Services were held Friday, October 4, 1974, in the Pleasant Grove Third- - Six-th Ward Chapel for Archie Walterman Nielson, 79, who died Tuesday of last week at American Fork Hospital. The services were under the direction of Norman E. Wright, Counselor in the Sixth Ward Bishopric. Speakers were Leland Carl-son, and Grant Fugal with re-marks by Bishop Cloyd Chris-tiansen. Life sketch by Fern Nielsen. Musical numbers were: Open-ing hymn, "Abide With Me", conducted by Ida Mae Christ-iansen; Vocal Duet, "That Sil-ver Haired Daddy of Mine" Jeanne Walker and JoAnne Brady; Vocal Solo, Ross Bratt. Ann Fisher played the prelude and postlude and accompanied the vocal numbers. Family prayer, Wilbert Webb; Invocation, Sherman Varney; Benediction, Bishop J. R. Jolley and the dedication of the grave in the Pleasant Grove City Cemetery by Calvin Walker. Flowers were cared for and arranged by the Pleasant Grove Sixth Ward Relief Society. Pallbearers were Sterling Peirec, Mont Pierce, Kevin Crompton, Kenneth Nielson, John Nielson, Robert Shepherd; Honorary Pallbearers, Ben Long and Roy Rogers. Mr. Nielson was born April 28, 1895 in Pleasant Grove to Hogan and Annie Erickson Nielson. He married Sylvia Webb on June 12, 1918 in Pro-vo, and the marriage was sol-emnized later in hte Salt Lake LDS Temple. Mr. Nielson was a farmer and construction worker. He was a veteran of World War I, and a member of the Pleasant Grove Sixth Ward. Survivors include his widow, three sons and two daughters', Dewayne Nielson, San Antonio, Tex.; Mrs. Max (Verda) Pierce and Mrs. James F. (LaPriel) Crompton, both of Pleasant Grove;, Howard H. Nielson, Le-- hi and Eldon W. Nielson, Springville, 21 grandchildren, and two brothers, EIRoy Niels son; 20 great-gran- d children, 2 brothers, EIRoy Nielson and Kenenth Nielson, both of Pleasant Grove. Enrollment in 4-- edu-cational programs increased 31.6 last year as compared with previous years. In ad-dition, the number of locally organized 4-- clubs and groups increased 9.3 while the number of volunteer 4-- leaders jumped 1014 during the same period. Basketbcll Team Sponsors Asked to Meet October 1 5 A pre-seaso- n Slow-Brea- k basketball meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 15 at the Junior High School. Those interested in entering a team should be in attendance. Meeting time is set for 7 p.m. The high school gym will be open starting Nov. 5 for prac-tice with league play schedul-ed to start Nov. 26. Current plans call for a sched-ule followed by a Slow-Brea- k Tournament. The agenda for Tuesday will include a review of rules, reg-istration fees, discussion of any ways to improve the overall league and tournament, etc. |