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Show TO BUY - SELL - TRADE YOUR LAND, HOME OR BUSINESS ... CALL BOLEY REALTY, INC. HOMBS Marjoris or Bob Lundell f TO"yii'lr?"V 756-6096 I Vs-v "ZL Maurice Peterson 785-4321 1 756-6096 785-4537 State df Utah OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SALT LAKE CITY September 30, 1974 Dear Fellow Citizens; By State Law I have been given the responsibility responsi-bility for publishing the Ballot Title of the Land Use Referendum as it will appear on the General Gen-eral Election Ballot on November 5. 1974. Because Be-cause of the very serious nature of this Referendum Refer-endum I urge that each of you obtain and study the text of the Land Use Act in full. I urge you to consult with your friends, neighbors and local civic leaders in order that you may gain all information necessary to render a just and wise decision. Sincerely, J CLYDE L. MILLER Secretary of Stale |