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Show Mother Honored At Birthday Party Mrs. Josephine Bezzant was a proud and happy hostess at a birthday party held at her home Sunday. The dinner table was centered with a beautiful birthday cake and lovely carnations. Guests i were her children and grandchildren and other close relatives. rel-atives. They were Mr. and Mrs. Oral M. Bezzant, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Coirins and Richard and Dorothy of Garfield; Mr. and Mrs. William Bezzant and Mr. and Mrs. William Kemp and Kathie of Magna; Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Davis and Jerry of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Bezzant and LuDean, Allen and Robert Bezzant, Miss Mervene Slair, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Williamson. William-son. The honored guest was presented pres-ented with a beautiful corsage, other flowers and gifts and many fine remmbrances from other children in California. i |