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Show Utah Land Use Act Referendum Number One An act providing for development de-velopment of a planned land use policy for Utah. A Land Use Commission, appointed ap-pointed by the Governor, is authorized to formulate a comprehensive state land use plan; co-operate with local governments in publishing pub-lishing guidelines for local land use plans and in designating desig-nating critical areas of greater than local concern; allocate federal funds received re-ceived for state land use purposes; and, assure that all agency programs are consistent with state land use programs. The Commission shall provide the legislature, for its consideration, a final statewide plan of critical land use areas. An appropriation of $306,000 is provided. FOR AGAINST Q I, CLYDE L. MILLER, Secretary Sec-retary of State of the State of Utah. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing forego-ing is a full, true and correct cor-rect copy of the Ballot Title of the Utah Land Use Act which law was passed by the Budget Session of the Fortieth Legislature, 1974. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WHERE-OF, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah, at Salt Lake City, this 30th day of September, 1974. 32JV CLYDE L. fMm MILLER Secroeftary State |