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Show Lindon City Council Met Wednesday Sept. 25 for City Business Meeting Lindon City Council held their regular meeting on Wednesday, Wed-nesday, Sept. 25. The Mayor and all members of the City Council were in attendance. at-tendance. First item of business concerned con-cerned the land transaction for a parking lot at the church. Mayor Johnson reported that the three bishops had conferred and would accept the city's agreed as discussed in the meeting of August 21, taking care of all the paper work necessary nec-essary and having the area surveyed, with payment of the land in the near future. Garth Roundy reported having hav-ing worked on the street shoulders shoul-ders during the last month. He said the work had been slow but that could be expected under un-der the existing conditions. Some patching had also been done. Councilman Peay said he had seen a great improvement improve-ment on the streets that had been worked on. Mr. Peay also asked for maintenance reports, stressing the importance of this being done. At this point Mr. Roundy stated he would resign if the city did not reinstate his wages to the same amount as before. Mayor Johnson asked Mr. Roundy for a written resignation. resigna-tion. Mr. Roundy left the meeting meet-ing at this point. James Fenton from Zions First National Bank read his proposal as prospective fiscal and bonding agent for Lindon City sewer bond. Stanley Walker represeting Bosworth, Sullivan and Company Com-pany also presented their bid reading a letter from the firm stating their qualifications as a bonding firm. Ken Newman of Burrows Smith and Company also gave a resume of the firms experiences exper-iences and qualifications as a bonding firm. Councilman Peay moved that the gentlemen be dismussed and they be informed of the city councils decision in the morning. Motion seconded by Darrell Frampton. However in the interest of time it was considered con-sidered prudent to make a final selection this evenig so that whatever company was chosen would take the necessary steps to prepare the bond election to be held along with the general election in November. Mayor Johnson stated he felt that with the wide background and rhany years of experience behind Burrows Smith that the city would need all the help posible to conuct a bond election, ele-ction, he would recommend them as fiscal agents for the bond election. After discussion Douglas Johnson moved that the city accept Burrows Smith as the fiscal agent. Motion seconded by Wayne Johnson and passed by unamious vote. Mr.. Newman was called beak into the meeting and notified of the city councils decision. Mr. Newman read through a drafted copy of minutes of (Continued on page 4) Lindon Council ( Continued from page 1) meeting making necessary corrections cor-rections and insertions. A General Gen-eral Obligation Principal and Interest schedule was handed out and the Notice of Intention handed out and the Notice of Intention signed. Wayne Peay moved that a Notice of Intention providing for the holding of a special Bond Election to be held on November 5, 1964, for the purpose pur-pose of submitting to the qualified quali-fied electors of the City of Lindon, Lin-don, Utah County, Utah, the question of the issuance of $375,000.00 sanitary sewer system bonds of said city. Motion Mot-ion seconded by Darrell Fram-pton Fram-pton and passed unamious vote Notice of Bond Election will be printed October 10, 17, 14th in the Pleasant Grove Review, also inserted in the Provo Herald Her-ald and posted in four public places. LaMar Jolley discussed briefly brief-ly the proposed new communication communi-cation system for North Utah County Police departments and stated that their alternate No. 6 would be best for Lindon City and that it would provide all small cities with required management services and information in-formation not now available Russell Brown gave a progress pro-gress report on the engineering aspect of the future sewer system sys-tem and some discussion followed fol-lowed regarding the different materials that would be used. Mr. Brown suggested that the actual work on the sewer system sys-tem be divided into about three sections to push the completion com-pletion of the sewer faster, and also to provide more opportunity op-portunity for local contractors to bid on the project. The clarification of a new well for which Lindon City has state approval to drill is not permanent as yet. Lindon City Council members are anxious to have this matter taken care of so that drilling and proving up can be done within the al-loted al-loted time. Council Douglas Johnson talked briefly about the county mass transit proposal which will be placed on the November ballot. Douglas Johnson moved that Lindon City vote yes on the formation of the Utah County Transit District. Motion seconded by Wayne Johnson and passed. Council Douglas Johnson brought up the matter of the Tops Club with motion being made by Darrell Frampton that the club be allowed to use the council room to meet in during a time other than office hours and the the children use the first room in the basement, also al-so that the building be left in the same condition as they found it. Motion seconded by LeRoy Fryer and passed. After discussion Douglas Johson moved that the city put collision and comprehensive insurance on the old and new cars. Motion seconded by Wayne Way-ne Peay and passed. Mayor Johnson asked city council members to make a list of all ordinances and revisions that are needed to be inserted in the present ordinance book, including an ordinance to exclude ex-clude all unclean industries in the Industrial Zone, and the posting of a bond for anyone contemplating building a sub- division. Councilman Frampton pointed point-ed out that the police have been expected to work on holidays to which they have not been compensated. Councilman Coun-cilman Peay moved that the Chief of Police LaMar Jolley be paid for the holidays that he has worked. Motion seconded second-ed by Darrell Frampton and passed. Councilman Fryer felt that City Council action in reducing wages for Garth Roundy by requiring re-quiring him to pay rent for the home he is living in, was not right at this time of spiraling living costs It was stated that Mr. Roundy would probably work the remainder of the month and that the city should start advertising for a man capable of being a working street and water superintendent.. superinten-dent.. Salary to be left open depending on skills and experience exper-ience of person. Councilman Wayne Peay briefly discussed the ConChen-co ConChen-co Home that was being considered con-sidered for Lindon City. The answer would hinge on whether whet-her this was a mobil home or not. After discussion Darrell Frampton moved that City Council adhere to the revised Ordinance No. 22, dated Oct. 1970 and that the application for a permit to bring in this home be refused. Motion seconded sec-onded by Douglas Johnso and pasfsed. |