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Show THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1974 PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW, PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10 1974 Lions Visit Families, Calendar Sale Lions of the Pleasant Grove Club are busy visiting local families offering them the op-portunity to list their birthdays and anniversaries on the Com-munity Birthday Calendar. Each year many families en-joy greeting friends whose an niversaries are listed on the calendar helping to make the Lions Club friendly commun-ity even more friendly. The members of the Lions Club appreciate the support of the Calendar project in the past. Families may list all of their birthdays and anniversaries and receive a calendar for the The Lions-Sportsma- n build-ing which provides facilities for Senior Ciitzens activities has been made possible thru the candenar & other projects i 1 ! "7 - - - - - - t - Mrs. JoAnn K. Brown Candidate for Recorder JoAnn K. Brown Candidate for County Recorder JoAnn K. Brown Lehi, is the Democratic Candidate for Utah County Recorder. She was the first woman to be elected to the Lehi City Council in 1969, receiving the highest voote of any candiate in that election. She was re-elected last November in the muicipal election for her sec-ond term. Her assignments as a member of the city council have given Mrs. Brown a wide spectrum of direct responsibil-ities such as Chairman of city buildings, parks and cemetery, youth council, senior citizens, sanitary department, Miss Lehi pageant, beautification prog-ram and the city library. Mrs. Brown is presently a Board member of the League of Cities and Towns, an execu-tive organization comprised of elected officials throughout the State of Utah. She has been elected twice, being the second women in the Leagues history to aohieve this position. She has held many leadership positions in the Utah Democra-tic Party including Utah Co. Democratic Secretary. Mrs. Brown has been invol-ved in civic capacities in Lehi as well as Utah County. Mrs. Brown functions in an administrative capacity as per-sonal secretary to the Deputy Secretary of State. In addition, she processes and files all ex-tractions and documents in co-operation with the Governor's office and the Utah State Leg-islature. Mrs. Brown previously ser-ved as a deputy county recor-der under Thelma Vest Smur-thwait- e, who instroduced and instituted the first microfilm recordings for the preservation of records in the entire state. Mrs. Brown has also worked in the capacity of deputy county clerk. Mrs. Brown, in announcing her candidacy for County Re-corder states, "I believe my experience and knowledge in the interworkings of city, coun-ty and state government, emin-ently qualifies me for the posi-tion I seek." r " ' ; ! -- - rr"'-'''- tymmmmi i I'M i f ' i " i r. - j ' t. ? - ; , IT'S HOLLOW Dr. John Bezzant looks In ear of Lindon student as he shows the students what he looks for in examination. Dr. John Is a pre-me- d student at the U of U. Pre-Me- d Student Visits at Lindon School, Tells About Examinations Thanks for coming to our school, John, and good luck on a successful career in medicine. "Dr. John come to Lindon." John Bezzant, pre-me-d stu-dent at the University of Utah, spent the day at Lindon Ele-mentary School last Thursday enlightening the students as to what a doctor look for in an examination. He demonstrated the various tools and instruments generally used, and relieved many of the childrens' fears concerning "an examination." His 'bedside manner" was terrific. The boys and girls were very impressed with John and his presentation. ZERO in with ERNIE DEAN I by Electing ; - r ; bme ' j mm STATE SENATOR Ilia Proven Candidate Paid Pol. Adv. by We Like Dean Committee Kerri I nee j f now working at I 1 Style Art i v I Beauty Salon , ; in Lehi i i , y fl Phone 768-287- 1 490 North 1 00 West TRUCK l-P-m MUD & SNOW I wCM 650 x 16 .... $33.09 'IItl MmDXVJ 700 x 16 .... $35.69 I lj LJ RHfyJt 750x 16. ...$44.28 I hi Ml ' ?.M ! i: fXi 700x15 ....$35.19 i lb; ya plu$ tax I w kam TRUCI Km? MUD & SNOW fI W CAPS $ 650x 16.... $17.10 ,r 700x16.... $18.80 f , , 750x 16 ....$19.60 Plus Tax and Good ly Casing VP New 4-P- ly Carlton BUY YOUR CAPS EARLY Polyester Tires Shortage of 14 in. Caps. S&l$n E700 x 14 .. $12.50 E700 x 15 .. $12.50 F78 x 15 $25 ' 64 F750x 14.. $12.50 F670x 15 .. $12.50 G78xl4or G800x 14 ..$13.50 G815 x 15 .. $13.50 G78xl5 $27 91 H850x 15. .$14.50 H760x 15 .. $14.50 H78xl4or 650 x 13 .. $1 1.65 1700 x 15 .. $16.80 H78 x 15 428.57 Plus Good Casing pus TAX 685 Yest Stcte 990 North State 820 West 4th North Pleasant Grove rjrem Orem once-a-ye- ar CANDY SPECIAL IV4 lbs reg.$435 $349 . FAVORTTES Here's your opportunity to buy the very special Russel' Stover FAVORITES at a very special price . . . you'll find ; select sampling of creams, nuts, caramels, miniatures milk chocolates, dark vanilla chocolates and butter pons . . Treat yourself and your family or friends to this of generous sampling many Russell Stover FAVORITES. SMITH DRUG 1 0 South Main - Pleasant Grove - Phone 78S-32- 2 1 Mary Freeman Joins Medicus Club at Ricks College, in Idaho Mary Freeman of Pleasant Grove is one of 51 members of Medicus Club, an organization at Ricks College made up of nursing students who will re-ceive degrees in nursing after two years of class and clinical work. President of the club is Ma-don- a Knudson of Blackfoot. Chris "Harker of Magrath, Al-berta, Canada was nominated by the club for IRicks Home-coming queen. The nursing students have class work on campus and go to area hospitals for clinical experiences in nur-sing training. Alpine School District Offers Free Classes The Alpine School District is offering free classes to any-one not attending regular day-time school who needs help in the following areas: Reading: This is from the be-ginning level up to 8th grade level. They also can help adults improve and speed up their reading. Math: on all levels. English: for foreign speak-ing people, Spanish, Oriental. Writing and Spelling: on all levels. School is held at the Amer-ican Fork High School, rooms 25 and 26 every Tuesday and Thursday night starting Oct. 15 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Students may attend both nights or only one night, according to their schedule. Advancement is at your own rate of speed, and you can be-gin at your own level. Interested persons can also receive help in preparing to take the G.E.D. Test for high school credit. For further information call Udell Westover, Alpine School District, 756-357- 6 or Dave 785-421- Horned lizards often bury themselves in the sand as they lie in wait for their prey, mat-ching the color of their sand or earth background, and can change from dark to light, and back again, in a fey minutes. WE a a CAN MAKE vgrr happen Across the country, in-creasing numbers of young people are involved in efforts to improve the quality of life in their communities. These youths, all and their parents and leaders are work-ing cooperatively to make things happen through in-dividual and group activities. National 4-- Week, Octob-er focuses on these cooperative efforts which in-volve nearly 5.3 million boys and girls and some 560,000 volunteer leaders, nationwide. An annual observance since 1927, National 4-- Week serves as a time for 4-- members and leaders to re-view past accomplishments and to exert even greater ef- - fort for the future in the "learn by doing" program. "We Can Make It Happen" is the theme of 1974 National 4--H Week. The words sum up the optimistic philosophy and aims of 4-- participants everywhere. The phrase pin-points youths' commitment to learning, service to others and involvement in programs designed to develop their leadership and citizenship potential to the fullest. With an active program in nearly every county of the U.S., 4-- has grown drama-tically in recent years. This past year alone saw a 32 percent increase in the num-ber of youth participants. |