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Show STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation of the Pleasant Grove Review, a weekly newspaper, whose office of-fice of publication and general business offices are located at 1 1 South Main, Pleasant Grove Utah. Statement is published under the Act of Aug. 12, 1970, Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code. Date of filing of report, Sept. 30, 1974. Officers of the company are A. B. Gibson, 970, East 2nd So., Pleasant Grove, publisher and editor; Jack S. Pace, 970A E. 2nd South, Pleasant Grove, Utah, managing editor. The Review is owned by a corporation, Pleasant Grove Review, Re-view, Inc., whose stockholders are A. B. and Geneva P. Gibson, Gib-son, Jack and Afton Pace, of Pleasant Grove, and Clela G. Radmall, Reno, Nevada. Circulation data includes the following: (1st figure in each item is average during preceding preced-ing 12 months, 2nd figure is copies of issue nearest to filing date). Total No. copies printed are 1688; 1650. Paid circulation includes countei sales, 29, 33; Mail subscriptions, sub-scriptions, 1432, 1481, Total paid circulation 1461, 1504. Free distribution includes sample copies 152, 65. Total distribution is 1613, and 1579. Office use 75, and 71, Total 1688 and 1650, as listed above in Total No. copies printed. I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. Jack S. Pace Manager Temporary Many men who think they have closed their eyes to temptation temp-tation are only winking. News, Breda, la. |