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Show THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1974 PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW, PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH THURSDAY OCTOBER 10 1974 i. .' ' ': r if H - j WW f ROYALTY Homecoming Queen Melissa Penrod, center, and attendants Amanda Myers and Debbie Jo Pace were selected last Thursday evening, and reigned over homecoming events. Melissa Penrod Named PGHS Homecoming Queen Last Week Melissa Penrod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Penrod, was crowned 1974 Homecoming Queen at Pleasant Grove High School last Thursday night at the annual pep rally. Honored as first attendant was Debbie Jo Pace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Pace and Amanda Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Myers of Manila, was selected as sec-ond attendant Melissa, a senior, received a standing ovation from the Vik-ing studentbody when she was announced as queen. Smiling through tears, she was unable to hear the thunderous ap-plause, as she is deaf. She was sponsored by the CDTA (Child Development and Teacher Aid class.) School officials announced that this is the first time a PGHS Homecoming Queen has been 'both the unanimous choice of the judges as well as the voting students. Melissa's float, "It's a Small World" lead the Homecoming Parade Friday. Those attending her on the float were pre-schoolers of the high school. Also on the float were stu-dent teachers Carolyn Davis, DeAnn Clark and Cristy Orton. Hafltime activities at the homecoming football game the pep club march-ing, Jana Bezzant skydiving, announcing the Big and Little Sister Club first prize float, Arlen Hilton winning the $100 raffle from the DECA Club. Post-Seas- on Meet Set for Softball Coaches, Others A post-seaso- n softball meet-ing will be held Tuesday night Oct. 15 at 8 p.m. (following the slow-brea- k basketball meet-ing) in the Jr. High School. Per-sons who coached or sponsored teams should be in attendance. Also those who are interested in sponsoring teams for the coming 1975 season should al-so be in attendance. Business to be discussed will be a review of the past season program, consideration of the different aspects of the coming year. Softballs left over from the tournament will be handed out to those teams who were in the league during 1974. Those attending are encour-aged to bring suggestions etc., how the league might continue to improve. f i ' j I t - I J L a SHOWS PAINTINGS Joyce Pitts, local art-ist is currently showing her paintings in Provo at art show. She will also have an "artist's tea" Sunday and invites everyone. Joyce Pitts Has Art Exhibit in Provo Joyce Pitts will present an art exhibit at the Provo Util-ities Building during the month of October. The public is invit-ed to attend. Mrs. Pitts, of Pleasant Grove, will show thirty paintings at this time. She has been painting for many years, and studied art at BYU, Utah Technical College, and from several art teacher in Utah. She traveled to Europe with an art study group, and has won several awards for her oil paintings and sculptures. She has also taught painting to young students. The Provo Utilities Building is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day except Saturday and Sunday. An Artist's Reception will be held for the artist on Sunday, October 13, from 3 to 6 p.m. All interested persons are in-vited to attend. Vikings Beat Lehi (Continued from page 1) and threw a perfect soft pass to Hardy who was standing very much alone 4 yards deep in the end zone. P.G.'s defense held the Pio-neers and as they punted Kar-re- n blocked it and Swenson recovered. Another long pass hit a P.G. receiver in the end zone but it was dropped. Karren ran for 17, 11, 8 and then "dove" in from the four. John Goodman's P.A.T. made it 21-- With seconds remaining in the half, Goodman tried a 37 yard field goal that was just short. Halftime was different as the popular young coach of the Vi-kings kept the team outside to watch the Pep Club and a skydiving exhibition. P.G. started the second half by fumbling on the Pioneer 30. Lehi was forced ot punt and P.G. made another drive but Pulley was caught from the backside and stopped short of a first down. The Viking defense, which held Lehi to a total of 3 yards rushing for the game, forced Lehi to punt again. This time Wynn Pead blocked the punt which Hardy caught in the air and ran ot the Lehi 5. Pulley scored and Joe Smith hit the P.A.T. With the P.G. second defense in the game, Lehi's Nelson hit Wade McStay with a 30 yard T.D. pass but they missed- the point after to get their 13 point total. P.G. then drove 70 yards with Karren, Green and Randy Story carrying the ball. Duke scored his second T.D. by rac-ing around left end for hte last 15 yards. A fumble broke up the point after attempt. Statistics PI. Grove Lehi Rusning 249 3 Passing 68 155 Total Offense . 317 158 First Downs 16 4 Punts No.-Av- g. . 0 6 Passes Comp - Att. 4-- 9 3 P.G. played yesterday at the Springville High School too late for today's paper. The Vikes next game is Thursday, Oct. 17 at 3 p.m. when they host Span-ish Fork in the Viking Stadium. Timp Stake Relief Society to Hold leadership Meet The Timpanogos Stake Relief Society leadership meeting will be held Thursday, Oct. 17 at 10 a.m. in the Stake House. Mary Deveraux, chairman of social relations department, will be in charge of opening exercises. Karen Alland will give the spiritual thought developing the theme for the month "With These Hands I Will Bring Com-fort to an Aching Heart." A special musical number will al-so be presented. Departmental work will fol-low for all leaders. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Pleasant Grove City Board of Adjustments will meet in public meeting Oct. 14, 1974 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the city hall to review the follow-ing requests. 7:00 The request by Mr. Jack West who resides at 119 East 200 South to construct a stone fence on the west side of his . property next to the sidewalk without allowing for the re-quired one foot space from property line to the edge of the sidewalk. To allow this as pro-posed will require a variance which, if allowed, needs to be issued by the Board of Adjust-ments. All interested citizens are in-vited to attend this meeting and express their views. Publ. Dates: Sept. 26, Oct. 2, 9, 1974. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Salurday Sundcv Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saluday Sundcv Monday Tuesday Wsdnesdcw Thursday Friday Salt jrday sundif. norffreiffi - Sunday Monday i uesacy Wednesday Thursday Friday Scfurday Surx icy Monduesdav Wednesday Satjfda TjiisdcyFn Sunc y a e 1 kS fKja Sun; Aral W e T iayi-- A Aidav Sunc Agrj ) e T iqy Frc alurday Sunc y f7r e u; c. alurday Sunaay ivu iaayTue jcy Vfemefau? Trusauy cavTcflurday Sunc ; utkS IL :lc !?El - y urday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saiuday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Satuiday Sundcv Monday 'Tuesday Wednesday Thjrsday Friday Saturday yui0;v :zc RidcvSaurdcv yJ iLKjy Ivor Kjuy Mountain ;Vie;lks $CTLo:ic;y daily interest on all statement rVyyyy :scngs :;accourits.,: y Daily Interest means simply that your savings can earn more because we pay those earnings every day instead of the usual two or four times a year. You do not lose interest earnings if you need to withdraw in between the dates the interest is computed-earnin- gs are paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Daily Interest gives you total freedom of the use of your money-i- t's available any time you want it without penalty. It also means you can deposit your money for short periods of time and still earn interest on it. Why settle for less? Get more for your money at ad Mountain View Bank 207 Easl Main Slreel American Fork, Utah Member of FDIC And right now at Gene Harvey Chevrolet you can save a bundle on Chevrolet cars and Trucks. Come in today! 1974HEVROLEi Impala custom coupe. Bronze metalic with white vinyl top. Tinted glass, door edge guards, floor mats, air, 400 V8, full wheel covers, whitewalls, radio, rear seat speaker, deluxe bumper guards. WINDOW STICKER PRICE $5083.90 prce $4067 1974 CHEVROLET Caprice 4 door Hard lop, Blue with Blue Vinyl Koof, tinted glass, door ec'ge guards, floor mats, air, remote control mirror, speed control, 400 V8, whitewalls, radio, deluxe bumper guards Tilt Steering Wheel WINDOW STICKER PRICE $5629.90 price $453 Gene Harvey CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 251 So. 5th E. - AMERICAN FORK Provo Toll Free Line American Fork 756-354- STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation of the Pleasant Grove Review, a weekly newspaper, whose of-fice of publication and general business offices are located at 1 1 South Main, Pleasant Grove Utah. Statement is published under the Act of Aug. 12, 1970, Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code. Date of filing of report, Sept. 30, 1974. Officers of the company are A. B. Gibson, 970, East 2nd So., Pleasant Grove, publisher and editor; Jack S. Pace, 970A E. 2nd South, Pleasant Grove, Utah, managing editor. The Review is owned by a corporation, Pleasant Grove Re-view, Inc., whose stockholders are A. B. and Geneva P. Gib-son, Jack and Afton Pace, of Pleasant Grove, and Clela G. Radmall, Reno, Nevada. Circulation data includes the following: (1st figure in each item is average during preced-ing 12 months, 2nd figure is copies of issue nearest to filing date). Total No. copies printed are 1688; 1650. Paid circulation includes countei sales, 29, 33; Mail sub-scriptions, 1432, 1481, Total paid circulation 1461, 1504. Free distribution includes sample copies 152, 65. Total distribution is 1613, and 1579. Office use 75, and 71, Total 1688 and 1650, as listed above in Total No. copies printed. I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. Jack S. Pace Manager Temporary Many men who think they have closed their eyes to temp-tation are only winking. News, Breda, la. |