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Show , : i. ' .' ' ': r if H - j WW f , ROYALTY Homecoming Queen Melissa Penrod, center, and attendants Amanda Myers and Debbie Jo Pace were selected last Thursday evening, and reigned over homecoming events. Melissa Penrod Named PGHS Homecoming Queen Last Week Melissa Penrod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Penrod, was crowned 1974 Homecoming Queen at Pleasant Grove High School last Thursday night at the annual pep rally. Honored as first attendant was Debbie Jo Pace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Pace and Amanda Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Myers of Manila, was selected as second sec-ond attendant Melissa, a senior, received a standing ovation from the Viking Vik-ing studentbody when she was announced as queen. Smiling through tears, she was unable to hear the thunderous applause, ap-plause, as she is deaf. She was sponsored by the CDTA (Child Development and Teacher Aid class.) School officials announced that this is the first time a PGHS Homecoming Queen has been 'both the unanimous choice of the judges as well as the voting students. Melissa's float, "It's a Small World" lead the Homecoming Parade Friday. Those attending her on the float were preschoolers pre-schoolers of the high school. Also on the float were student stu-dent teachers Carolyn Davis, DeAnn Clark and Cristy Orton. Hafltime activities at the homecoming football game in-included in-included the pep club marching, march-ing, Jana Bezzant skydiving, announcing the Big and Little Sister Club first prize float, Arlen Hilton winning the $100 raffle from the DECA Club. |