Show NOTICE TO BUIL DUItS juds wanted for Imil building ding tit in roomed house in flute cout county ity utah plans all and 1 I way may be em at the office of county clerk Jime utah bids be sent to alic secretary of the Hoard 0 of r usters us tees chero they ihl lo be 10 opened si 1 t 12 HOOD on oil tile lay day of alp board cosm ves aliu to i eject any or all blas bids fl 0 9 J 11 order of tile school board chas C h is mot I orrill i secretary Sec rotArY 1 l i DM NI d ut at junction tills this day of 0 ackt C 1 loo 1002 i t it a better to purchase olle conf or y F J 1 L it I 1 8 bilk aila mufflers I 1 lial to 0 trouble ui iad 1 I invest iu 11 visits lind nii dicicc moon momi ail lit it bad pall spell hist yat night bigl J 1 B 31 evenson broughm ou ilis tic I 1 telescope elM ele Cope scope D n Roy nolas took look one jpe lon ion iiii z ji ook at the moon and for ahn first time in ill 35 at echra ars 6 months aud 21 dilys went dnn on it liy kmiec V P NT Haug heys eye reeled long mill lovingly on oil the grent crater with IOU ll 11 ilo d v kes and fissures thell turned to mr stevenson and c cc d ly BY hookey lio okey but hats exactly liko like my loy mill of the 1110 10 16 to 10 1 BO ahby d the I 1 queen of abe glit while t the fhe he WMS wits disrobing dis buforo V retiring tiring and when ahe blew out lie her r lalit t deti ben was mis heard 0 t mutter by all the liquid gods of kentucky thala a bad omen ill alit quit thinking about starling a tailor shop A blaird blat rd mil estran who had haicl iten ben it b en aini ling 11 with uncle ole john linler baler stopped in fit front of if tile arte I lance allet eliop and nd wa var I 1 lal I 1 ea ni to exclaim S aha ajay old man tin ia i it itice toe or the 1 leonard stark watched died the shadow spread until totality balilo then thell climb clim ud ed it big coton tree in his hia buck aal yal baid d mid and tried to look ther odge of hie lie slit sill ado adow w lit in his pocket knifa and liy by the light of jofh n piece of miners candia ent cut in tile bark of the arve tile old old legend sic M gend 1 I will vill be begoody good 11 1 IL IJ sole ind and 0 her leathor leather for repairing rep fili oes liar less leather leai her and for fir repairing liar aar nesa liess aind saddles and is prepared to do 10 tile the avol work ic tf delinquent NT assessment NOTICE alie to standard al mining Inin gand ind M milling Com imilY a i corporation principal ilice of MArya pluto county utah notice atu ata meeting of tile board of directors held nn tho 21 no 0 2 of one olle half aj W of onu mic lar w cent wn levied ou oil the eav eap ital stock of tile company ally and alid iiii ulu delinquent lin quent cat on oil tho 1 flay of and all delinquent shares sh aresto to be soldon sold on the 21 it daiy diy inhof ol 01 Oe october tober 1902 notice I 1 is given that sit a meeth meeting of the hoard board of directors on the 1301 day of october the late date of sale aus vas extended extruded to tile the 3rd ard day of november 1002 1902 on oil account of tho above described assessment is alie beare aru delinquent tile following followill described deseri dewri bed stock icil tit alic becci al set oi tile names cs of tile respective sli as follows no shares amount 5 michael ichael Al 10 00 13 ut 2000 2000 10 00 oo 11 t ka 10 LO co I 1 15 ik I 1 moo 5 00 1 16 U 44 t J 5 00 17 tk t z 00 n ij 18 tl kl ia roii i 31 1 TO 25 0 1 25 41 t CT G 13 78 49 40 tt yia ll 11 69 77 IV 3 11 1450 7 25 10 valentine Kril eiller 11 ls 11 40 gl 61 chas C day 1000 5 00 03 58 it A brown 5 00 6 17 1 0 0 tt IS 78 18 4 33 tl t CG 46 jolin john Auto niazi I 1 1000 io 15 00 47 6 cius its antoniazzi 1000 am 5 IM 87 Ns P 2000 10 00 0 88 ll 11 oooo 10 00 au t tt 00 io low oo 00 GO 41 t 2000 1000 10 00 91 4 tj am 00 1000 aj 46 lodo odi to io 00 oo 03 ll 11 1000 1000 10 00 11 1 l 5 00 9 4 i 5 00 n t fita 1 00 03 53 I 1 igo 1 CO 97 11 R 0 price 51 C 02 and jil in accordance with law and in order 1 of I board of directors rectors 11 made october lath 1110 1 so maicy shares of tach parcel of stich stock block as maybe iii necessary will bo sold at public auction tor for cash it at tins th onico of tile treasurer Sain tiel L 1 I 1 age in I 1 it 0 U tal on monday al on lay november novo i ab nb erard ard 3rd ata i gin in to pay tile delinquent assessment advertising and cost of sale r M Jimi ghey Seere secretary tary if you want the flie best bea 9 a a d I 1 that thema the market kt a affords faor d 9 liquor that 11 will not hill at 40 rods DENNIS ham n BLACK art apa can call supply your wants ill it t luo iiii saloon sallo oll M REMY UTAH 1 JOIN ehrl 6 0 V sonio sonic bilings 1111 never arrive 1 IN ta 1 0 others d t alvs ai arrive ri ve too late but F L N NEW AND LARGE LARG assortment shork TM ENT df dry go goods 0 d s I 1 chave a N arrived arc 1 tor ais I 1 s S see e 10 locals a 18 A ro 1 t AJ I 1 T I 1 W NT U R N 11 U 13 0 BU T E M G 11 n d 0 F ba B a a E n q a arvd za lar UTAH teb s SMITH pakito in jwj X U J 11 FLOUR SULPHUR aULPH LT UR sti 1 k 11 1 I 1 M 0 L S 1 A X a D N A 11 SUPPLIES SUPPLIED KEROSENE OIL ay N L T NAILS aal STEEL M Y S V A L E J T TA J L |