Show many lany uces aces of tile the banana InI immense mOnse for have been made out or of the banana business revenues do not accrue alone from fram the sale of bt the fruit for foi the leaves are used for pa packing tile the juice being strong in ili tannin ciares an indelible ink and shoo shoe bl blacking ahing the wax found on oil the underside of the denves is a valuable article of commerce manila hemp is made from the stems and of this liepp are made I 1 matr s plaited iia itea work vork and lace handkerchiefs of the finest texture moreover the banana is ID round ground into banana il lour our the fruit to be sold for dessert is ripened by the dry warmth of flaring gas jets in the ille storage places in which it is kept andrare and care has to be taken to prevent softening enIng or oi over ripening the island aslan of jamaica yields great crops of tills this useful and moneymaking fruit freiti i A curious banquet Ba one of the most lost remarkable ble banquets ori on record was recently held at the leading hotel in ill grand serre franco france it vas given by a lawyer in iii honor of liis birthday anniversary and his guests were ina twelve oldest allt clients aits nits not ono one of them was less than 80 boais oars old and tile the ages of the thirteen am amounted minted to tile the blo total or of J years A few f oo 00 w of them guests it is said paid wore were at 11 ast na t reluctant to accept tile the invitation alen they learned that there would bo thirteen at table but the olo oll lawyer would tao take no excuse and so the thirteen feasted to their hearts content |