Show we vi HE IERE RE THIEVES UDE rude r MONEY fashions change among women pickpockets Pick pockets in this respect according accor ding to chief of detectives miller there are arc cur curious lous changes ol 01 fashion cashion among women criminals just among their more honest sisters tays says I 1 the philadelphia record take tor t or instance said lie he the matter of how low women pickpockets pick pockets conceal upon their persons the coin which they teal steal did you ever know that the place aacen of conceal concealment varies with them tom rom year to year back in 1890 1800 they lid ild it in their hair and in ili searching a v oman thief tile the hedd head was always the first farst thing to he be examined in the nei neighborhood of 1895 they hid it in their shoes try lier her shoos shoes first miss I 1 always used to say pay to tile the te e male searcher in handing li anding over a woman i thief nowadays they hide it in a L small pocket sewed on their skirts in just about the place whore where on oil a m airs L ls trousers the little watch pocket s delved arfi anil police matrons matrona find on seven out of toil ten women thieves pock its ts of this kind invisible patches that tha I 1 t I a lay mind would bould be bound to overlook |