Show A barru ing ng to husbands Hus banda solon thomas is the unwise ahi cago gentleman who insisted that 11 his is wife should arise f from rom her slum slumbers ball 13 and prepare his breakfast solon is jiow nursing tour four bullet wounds li ii consequence the original solon would have been a much more discreet 6 gentleman in ili our unfortunate towns nans mans place ile ho made a great many and beneficent laws for foi the athenians and we road read that ho he framed several statutes relating to marriage obligations 0 but lie was alwa always s careful not to put himself forward too 00 oo obtrusively in ili his own household for tilts reason lie died decd at tile tho comparatively ively ripe age or of 80 verily the ancient lawmakers law ni makers albors were much moro more cunning and discreet than the modern law enforcers new gambling device A parrot fish in ili the now york aguar lum is responsible for a good deal of gambling among the small hoys boys it has stripes of bauo and red led and has yellow eyes As tile the fish turns in tho the water it looks red at one time and an d blue bille at another In otiler when a crowd is hj about tile the parrot ush fish L tank anh cries of bf come you blue ue come you yon red may be heard with snapping of fingers such as players at crap games ato aro accustomed to the big parrot fish makes frequent turnovers and when it straightens out again tho lie announcement corner comes rod wins or dauo wins as the case may bo be and tho the gambling youn youngsters settle their bets on oil tile the color odthe the fish on the turn over cross with tho the signature Siga ture in ill ancient days the addition of eross cross to tile the signature clid not always alway 0 1 indicate that the signer could not w write ift but waa ats added is as an attestation oL KOil GO ll 11 fa faith I 1 t 1 |