Show SOME OLD MARRIAGE CUSTOMS peculiar r ceremonies still exist erist in parta of europe in switzerland thua bride on her wedding day v ill permit no one not even her parents to kiss lier her upon tile tho lips lil in many of the provinces the cook pours hot water over the threshold aft erthe eithe bridal couple have lave gone in order to keep it warm for another bride A favorite wedding day in scotland is dec 31 so that tile tho young I 1 couple cari can leave their old life with tile old icaran ye arand d bein begin be 1 1 in their married life with the now one sury a pretty idea the fl ital L aab permit no weding gifts that are arc sharp or polli pointed ted from which peatrice pr acice atrice emanates our superstition tion that t the ho gift of a knife severs friendship one olic of the most beautiful of othia all marriage customs is that of the bride immediately after tho cerenio ceremony ny flinging her boquet among her maiden friends she who cat clies elies itis it As is supposed to be jhc thc boxt A |