Show T 11 L 0 B 4 L Y LU I 1 aa fin A u yel IT I 1 C r aim ift TH 11 U V ow a S SA Us RC s 0 u ac CC e S 9 A awaiting W biily the he magic touch of capita t 1 I clour a into the of those 0 ng i i t e ii ye arce a ra e r V e 1 losing ii I 1 sing C 1 abruptly I from the lessor mountains Joun to tho the north the C great reat mt ml baldy range M enters cloudland cloud land traverses tho the boull boundary lino between betwee ll ciuti piute and B beaver P v er counties then onward to the south where it at is cleft by the grand gi canyon of pie colorado rado 0 j i A BRIEF GE geological STORY alstork Al tho the great mountain building i 0 forces so active duchi during cr i the lie close of the tertiary alq ago work pilon do n a jeanc along tile the northern ION portion boll of tho the mt bally bakly range the ilie bedding cal capped pa A with limestone was profoundly fiss folded and faulted so great was the last named oe oc currance that the quai quartino tito and limestone entirely disappeared under the more rei scent cent eruptive rock masses to the east crist of the so savier 1 or f fault ault see accompanying compa nying maps and loft left tho the quartzite zite and lime limestone sLone in the form of a lofty precipice known cnown as tho the deer trall trail escarpment to the southwest of marysvale Marys Mary vale from those yawning fissures eno enormous rinous masses of rhyolite rhy olito and birdseye birds bird eye sey porphyry oozed up from froin the earths melted mattec interior I 1 a and n d formed mountain masses thousands of feet deep A again alu the unstable crust quivered with in intense tonise seismic forces the old mid and but partially par t ally heal healed ed wounds were ivere opened and new fissures formed in hi tho ther overlying eruptive mass and great dykes of highly mill mineralized porphyry now ow mark the location and alid direction of those ancient ancic tit rents i tile the brief period of eom campara lara tive quiet which succeeded tho the previous disturbances IV was LM CONTINUED 0 ON N IA cagl G E 7 broken brohen by another uplift of tho the range and al along lour 7 the central portion extending M from gold mountain south a distance dist aleco of some ten milesa miles a great 1 fissure lissi ue was formed fi t ron wm tho the surface down to th region of liquid firo fire the mighty forca orco which split the northern norL horn portion cwi tion of them the ait A it baldy ran e also formed lateral fis e g eastorn and lesterl me ye sterl y axom the llie gre gi eat al central to AVE M P W 4 71 cat I 1 cap t IT ip la 11 0 C n e jm is fa boef d to CP its ali t Y 0 aku 0 k r q 4 t CL is A 1 X P 13 I 1 4 iq le b 10 ion J sol oki ci P P lz 3 E ap L ro P 6 pa A P M Q A R Y S VA L E ac P ez 3 to tt C n b I 1 T 10 WV TA till Is A 40 P 4 0 qa 1 41 4 cy 6 za C 0 N Z m e M ISM UZ r at C j s N cl e ic 4 lz s AIM lit ill zt 7 a T A U 46 P ra 0 ol 01 ell rout those fissa fissures os became lines of easement e for the vast mass or of 1111 magma Pla seek i ing n c ogress and fi from oll molten depths the ilot hot gaseous mud flowed upward up ward aud and formed great ret dyles ol of phonolite today cheerily clinks under tho foot of an occasional prospector prospecto while the ert atio n of the pho nolito the I last ast stu pondu ous throes of nature in the aft caldy region subsequent local 0 of the phonolite pho nolito occurred aila in connection with other assures already formed became channels for the upward tand and humeral fiette rat ilow how of r gold 1 und and sil ver bearing C solutions rY ahlet craters cil aters liolis fiel s of dark colo colored li nc hite ridges of volcanic breccia biec cia dykes and chimneys of obsidian in tho phonolite prove drw vo that local volca uia ilic forces corces were continued over a long lolin g pel period iod after an or the v vide id spread eruptive activity had bad ceased TIM TI NT AND an go geological conditions in evi dene along alon tho the northern portion of tho the baldy rano 0 should remove every doubt as to its alti ulti mato as a i jiuing region ion indeed in the face 1 ace of bitter denunciation and opposition f from rom a class chass of ignorant shysters shy that hold down so many chairs 11 lobbies of salt lake ho and sot sat their I 1 wildcat traps for unwary investors the great 1 mt mb baldy gold ZD belt bek is forging C C 1 I to the front vim the magnificent mag record of t the h e ali ann n i io 0 lau laurio 11 10 a ali d till mill ht hi fil gold mountain tho the va vast st bodies of q oro e already ex exposed the ux examination a and adl reports of numerous intelligent ent mining mon men proc proclaim lahn tho llie fact that aho 1 I ho aunio annio baurle is niest niost bijj peer ou chiscon titi ont the 13 bluebird luebird mine ad joining tho annio also adiong amon 1 tho t great 1 mines of utah in addition to tho the mines just mentioned od there is a score to or 0 r 11 more 1010 0 ol 01 groups of mining z chaipis in gold mountain Motin tain that possess avei every y indication of greatness 11 in the vicinity L of Marys valo alo thero there As is that famous old time producers producer the deer trail with a million and a half dollars already out the bulay bully D apy py and webster lode wil wih ai its of r galena balona td thet AV H imd and blue baglo Eagle groups 0 L 11 that have been steady shippers since their discover discovery Y and numerous other promising properties every fa facility for economical e mining manint 11 such as plenty of water and power timber cheat supplies an enterprising railroad E R G W A and telephone service investors can certainly asic SIC for no moro more than the aft baldy gold old belt can furnish little or no prospect prospecting iliP M has boon lone clone in the biz higher her altitudes of tho lio nit mt baldy range el Es st pa is this the ile ciso case wit baill tho phonolite phou olito belt the in anso tenso and other other cond rions aro such as to ivar warrant J alio llio 0 tat ement mont that nowhere in aho entire west is thore there a moro favorable neld for aidi ill LO M 0 V PI Q fl pec cc LL luig t 7 s |