Show 1 amo awo J c ithe interest that local oufa 40 11 i kle uen have emken RI ill in the gill lice T aris jamill mining 4 5 map dum avil induced llie r ci have if a new atau u and an al bonjo map dum pull and am engraved ac PAA li fur in this still paper lid xI in llie I 1 a ur map il d u now 0 AN rim mm many cabuis ca iuis be klause tho guined az were TaA jno not krown lamo or jo ji if 11 dision the dill oj locality was gum blany laim owners hreve a to coups represent pa i TIO oil iho map avil auve uffe pam fred to ol pv ard ifor their to leave all jr 1 claim 1 1 I 1 I 1 M owners sa s1 willious willi out excuse we will make tv 1 j a following id noil vid cut out ino v oll hc imp in this paper 1 pill and 11 in auk atie name of your and their imil position v on no iho map and hand ju fill or sand to ol thib c ollice malo jim and oc 50 cents toj for clowa group to 0 in defraying 1 j lie cost soo gold mountain Mount nin MUM can 11 liand U I 1 pi I 1 ill I 1 their I 1 it it copy map to oj deu i nay black kimberly all groups be I reported to 01 not lou balvir affer civill than oct publishers Publish era baij 79 7 9 T J S v sough came down from the if 0 A mi ill isia tuesday rr alv mccullough vilmis st d y tuoi rom cripple dige ald creel says s there matil fit ier 9 strong s sinal city h sateen ahe grce country and 1113 that lying bingham deml ia at lie dili colling cottonwood devidn vork st ia being pushed malmd p on no the atil ili roup mr sj is 1 boiking doid property Spa cupl li radburn pull and yui beyor P d ar are putting claims iu prop doid er shape al d hiob at 3 hupt d B F I P 1 I 1 I 1 OMO I 1 I 1 IM was S down 1 0 biffi I 1 from rill lie dalton lust tuesday T pill and M reports eliod condil loni us sit aimaq being 9 W S haagine ha agone to 01 bacr d beof ax lu 0 spend the winter wah sill liis birther in law 1 1 THU Fergus soil lonn 10 91 or jo aluma mr I will daml charge of jo I 1 the oil Hs saying aud depart men aca of alo thomp sou add frew leaching plant M F a anny private secretary to 01 ja dr P d A II 11 franklin amo down from the hills last sunday mr miu ruy was u y olo Z cupl idia of jo I 1 oil molls bird MIM mho ws SA called calsa I 1 ill sitf lid didy of jo sill liis wile who cl JIT 11 1 in I 1 A at aline bolh MK went ini it blondy lir dotis iollI jurd Imn awo it in last I 1 I 1 1 4 9 1 it S j filin 1 0 ul 3 1 11 U 2 11 11 und it P wanton 1 10 I 1 tip di to the aleu erie anine t amr I 1 will yet qa ino pim and ship a 13 trial jim car lot jol of jo ili anre ami ou no doubt ji are 1111 avas faultry m regular 1 euln be tit in order apio fotij vein si is strong the product gold 1 lead and copper W 11 down from hie dallon capt wednesday and had in hia gill possession an 1111 novt grosu doai which oil hn til lunitz lobao on the I 1 I 1 e T ane pm lance shavor eliy 1 41 chilt litra I 1 sta 1 AA 1 0 a aw 1 w o p K helping to 0 all a 11 01 of jo llie alli honie alyd capr M 1 r jw it pill ind out me down on your list isil 1 it JUT m s 11 name ottil went on the gill list 1311 with tho the world sr is nub full of ja just istir lucli ili iiren WANTED tile derjue sur prise gold Coni ai mated nj iu the gill ohio eiliv mining etli RII district pinki 3 co 90 ulal birin will himl bids on nicking tuii an incline shaft loofer 00 kanj if j II not 11 1 timbered im and xi feet ul in olcay if j also on driving a OOT loot 1 tunnel aga feet larj gun tractors to 01 furnish all jimb JD er and tools iise q bids for boj lie aili above work will llla be t received 0 liv all JT max al krolski secretary R ch held utah ni ili I to 1 pail and including loo oberda ob erSa coat wa company fluto Suli reserves 1 right to 01 01 1 reject 0 ida ull an putt and all alp max Kroll ci secret ury beld 11 utah the gili directors siolo of jo lie ail surprise m goj mining pall K e coq botard p meeting here on were present anthony ariso eeler vice alq president guy rj lewis treasurer mas krotki loas secretary itlie V pull and wm ihas during j imal meeting it 11 SHAI decided to ol s sink I 1 u 31 bj I 1 0 on it a aa chimney ill sanu of jo emu ore ojo which was gum crossed ut in running III the tunnel c ou the oti there qi ib it a IIII lucinel laII chioli will q be extended a I 1 hundred fret aj 10 the alij ordering of lo gorou baom wieno onri surprise aur prise is gratifying news s fig as latil a sa s1 is cue of 20 0 foot ulah vein of JO JAI chrt feet sam SS tit in gold PEM and iu the KII chimney 1 above iAo ollum mentioned pai the grade of jo oramay be y classed tin as line shipping jefferson or Jef terson I howell until recently a 17 edme m froia lust tuesday and during lil laiso 0 weeks aty A will III too look after fit r 1 A cla 1 aud ia all which he inis boj po art T I 1 A 1 unwell GAull 11 and IA vicinity u n pan Iho roush balut Q aej Bou in 11 the gill I 1 I 1 Z aj avo blown by fk aji from mule loll liot it color 1010 chibe bior 1011 un lilt ounce of jo chunita over jabo 1 an all aren of jo 1 jul miles sal 1 n I 1 arc DI ak willim thy ty nittie ni itie ww J f I howel 1 describe dc scribe i wll as a klail uc kiy hint outside of JO that OI prop J 4 upon which it 11 ii i ax i c dir gj tt 11 Ej eitt only about per ton SI was hum also tile ill avilor moia arv it cheek 1 aj for a I 1 11 A ul mile I 1 I 1 0 or a so I 1 in I 1 I 1 if derived j R 11 PD its valnea 10 n so |