Show EXAMPLE OF GERMAN T THRIFT H R I 1 F T stones on tile the roadway made of value to property hermans find that it pays to encourage peasants to drw their fields of stones atones the property in valli taxing value the stones thrown into heaps by tile the roadside are arc purchased by the district road repairing commission poor fool men who otherwise would have laivo to be supported by tile the almshouses are hired to break the stones and then are arc trained to tile work of repair repairing int the roadbed the money to pay the nion men is i nado made by auctioning off to tile the highest 01 bidder the crop from fruit trees thal were plant ilant edon ed on both sides of the highway when it was Itil built lt and which are alt nou nourished well by the manure that falls fall along the road and is pushed at intervals by a road tonder tender upon their roots the purchaser of the crop sees to it that his fruit is ft not lot stolen the road commissioners i lave no bocher wout that and although the sale b bj by auction it brings considerable every bur burgher glier knows how much because tile the sales of highway 0 fruit crops are published in ill the kocl kepers ne q pors pers |