Show NEW YORKS grovr GOVERNOR REBUKES COAL OPERATORS very plain alk from governor lim jimr odell alad president mier 1 dimiat what do you mean by politicians I 1 Ivan and all operators to understand that tl at I 1 ani am the alie governor of new the chosen representative of people and eliat I 1 am ain here in ill tit s mutter solely in eliab di it c capacity and to relieve if possible an intolerable situation anti and what is more inore I 1 intend to use every power ut at iny command to do it the forgoing 0 statement sLat ement was madu made by governor odell of new york to president baer of the Re adino road in alie alic presence of united states senators yena tors matt of new york and quay and penrose of pennsylvania in a conference C on oil the coal strike at ab new boric friday it ib was the culmination ol of a heated interview in the office of piatt and the result of the meeting between bet veen governor Lio vernor odell and Il president resident baer al air r bal baer r was not nob in the best bebb of imbior alien accompanied by jl E I 1 P of the board of directors dire cLors of the erie eric railroad lie eu eli senators plait s the conference began by a statement made by senator S I 1 that the situation situ aaion was j so serious abat some flon cion must be found it ab once lie he sug ebat the ope operators raters should it in kellne cline to some toward a fc aj if you yon j nean mean by that said N Y dent biter lit it we are to recognize alie existence of a labor union I 1 tell you right rig lit now no that tal it hie operators will consider no such proposition governor odell was on his feet in au an instant linstadt lin stant holding a half burnt cigar in wa liand and white with excitement lie said are wo pvc to understand that no kind ichida of conciliatory proposition would receive attention a at t the hands of the operators J lid did not say that answered amr al r baer but I 1 do suy say that we ive will vill not accept acal pt political advice or allow the interference 0 ter ference of politicians in abi this s our brair un air then it was vas that governor odell anade the statement attributed to win him ut at the beginning of this article president kiaer evidently appreciating eliat lie had bad gone one o too far bowed to governor odell and said governor I 1 beg your pardon no personal affront was 14 intended und and we WC will leolen to any suggestions you muy may have to make lut but a again ain I 1 repeat t diat liat we ve refuse to reco tildo ali alie union represented by mr liell I 1 do believe said the governor that your position tion front from a public view is absolutely untenable if coal operators railroad men inen and other business men inen can combine for mutual pro lit and protection there is no reason laboring nen men should not |