Show ni ofa rn i women A much traveled manin speaking of the way in winch which women walk an bounced that without doubt the worn wom I 1 ten t en of baltimore have havethe the most correct v te carriage hearriage and aind most 0 graceful race ful walk W 1 anny in the horld vor ld As baltimore li lis has 9 S long helu held the palm for the beauty of kjier haer women this will be beano another feathe er r in her cap this sa same man who Is a londoner of exalted social position was asked r bently cent ly to what he attrib 11 buted ted the iho bobial success of americal Ame Ameri cir he ans answered eded the causes were here splendid dressing self posses sion aon and fri nedom from shyness ait aj bood education edu calion |