Show TO GET RFD OF MOSQUITO EG amusing circular issued by now new york board of health tile tho now york board of health has issued a circular in ili wh which ich all cases of zia malaria larla are arc laid to the bite of mosquitoes qui toes before going to bod this circular says pays one should hill all the mosquito ea IE resting stig 01 oa tho the bedroom walls in ill tile the closets or under ziti articles cles of furniture but how the nights are now short possibly an ail athletic man mail might run down cown a mosquito and tie tic the critter ull till its tongue tolmie 6 ht hangs i v 3 out and 1 its t logs cs in then a single well directed blow on the ahe point of tho the Anos jaw would settle its hash but ut some of its ui are not I 1 tile tho All insects allseits sects already in the room are apt to do ts give the most trouble rouble the circular says nol naively vely true trite too true in rl act the ille mosquitoes which are in toe the hald headed mans hat flat t three liros fj flights J 1 trouble us tin tho least |