Show HOW THE hyrkes KNOW OW birds had H d 6 a premonition of doming corning disaster A virginia fanner tolls tells a 0 r r which vilich deenis to indicate that turkeys turkey are not as son senseless seless creatures as is they appear to bo be 1 ono one night recently lie he says myself and my iny wife alff were but brivil dr drivers ivil As I 1 was putting up tip the dorso actor returning hinic himo I 1 noticed my turkeys were not roo ro stint I 1 as usual ili hi the big buttonwood tree by the barn hi instead they were perched on oil tho the fonick t once posts and in all the limbs oc bt other trees brecq it struck me ino as mighty funny as turkeys on oil the place had roosted in ill that tree over since I 1 could remember that night about midnight a hard wind whid and rain storm came caine up tip and tho old buttonwood blow blew down now liow low did those turkeys know that trao was at sundown there wa was 4 no sign of a storm and the button buttonwood wood was tully fully lifty years old and apparently as stanch as ever german soldiers cra drs life tho the german soldier is 4 trained ra a mane maneuver tw in all weather and it at ill all sea seasons E ax r me cold Is or of course a great obstacle aclo to tile the mobilization of bf troops billotie Bille tirs 0 is not always possible and the alternative of sleeping in tents with the snow lying deop deep on the ground and the thermometer lie bo low zaro oro seems at jerst sight imar impracticable ic ti tic ablo cable nevertheless it has been found that with due precautions the nion men suffer stiffer no ill effects from froin tile exposure tho the tents used for i or tills this purpose are very small as these are found to lie be warmer than file larger ones indeed ulf temperature inside the canvass is genc generally rally 12 degrees higher than mit outside side to io begin with t and of course rises when tile the tent lent is occupied I lot ilot coffee is served to the men mail at interval inter vales of two hours throughout the night |