Show ownership J jj C 1 the clothing n 0 of 1 1 die all compi inies ud all IH head of ll tin 11 unions lit in ihu presen rc or JO lie dill Pit if lt lias lone amro to croyt ivil iraldo U 1 1 aa of jp govern ment for all julip renac prop doid mpa 8 no uio like railroad property ulf giitl I 1 ilma on wanli eldda ruly for alln years siva 1 d p me nien IU aro for legisla lionia i bat the daiil jo c lelm aulce alfa ulfa chants aiu aan me about ij look to tiie government to lra vc od its dri lieeie li 10 to 01 them HB fill they I biow 1 A look fijoj to 11 for lettea jol let tec isaa sl is not IOU mul lucli 11 of lio or jo ja espil itis it 11 is dismissed dia missed with illda tho gill remark that anything would lie better I 1 nuil to linao tle gill poor sainer because of JO th pull mid cm 1114 floyie pl oyIe r Jod winy Veil cly the 3 il hopu above clipping is well known UA to 01 gill people I 1 one of hie most gifted writers in the state he st is a I 1 lifelong life long republican and for that reason lie almost endorsement of proprietor oad railroads and coal properties on no which millions of jo people upload rely ai I a sj for 0 a fuel ilana st is significant s t jj if gentlemen is however somewhat ul in sil ft to 01 of jo the n do ravo efforts J 1310 of jo president I 1 to 01 tl birin U Z j labor und pun capital together on the fuel 1911 cupply iju estion if 11 aill first place alje occur anco is 81 too 00 recent a qua to ol hive ajol one very sao JI if ill the editor of JO od weekly will film 11 live to 01 the work of 10 introspection oil he discover that jurt aap jd process sEnzo of jo SAID til along chosy cullu lines of jo 1 hough r baa naab crystal zing iu u hia own mind during apap many acara enst the recent refusal of jo the coul 1103 barons bar JUCI ons to 01 wilh hie lias buffi inq as served pai to ol ompha dixe n 0 ownership M ta gould a vote alfa talc 1 9 OA it J 1 is 9 believed tha tt 11 inre ml of jo aill people of jo alii al 11 fl stated would have P in 0 favor 1 of JO averment over ment ownership WILT the tl trouble alano with qia gill ma of ra iy that they an 00 to oo busy I 1 trying S to 01 outwit every other lial fe colial low AO who rr ia aspiring to 1 the same office I 1 sall covet to ol get 19 down aud out among aill people und naval what thu atil mu sass alu aie about elal whenever the masses aro educated to 01 tha fc point oliero chev understand hut hie aill avea of jo cause tind put tact in n llod policies sata und pun acts id FT is EM certain aade daiv al 8 ul iu of alp origin and pit move siuta ja they wih when ivill oia 1 desirable result ta au it emion baltera not iou hie all r itself will take G when about 17 the ailt people m will III then maill una run now ment and themselves guting it 11 to OJ a lot ir largely aill alie up case o 0 present time I 1 such proad m pell c 0 1121 UG theodore will HIM alien havethe aill power 01 tue 01 people by th presence inton 0 jo aau tle who say tho cill load of lo be whenever soma giant corporation carp oration gets ili gill coa road p between haq gill and jai or life jl |