Show new zealand bush firm firc 3 autumn in ili new zealand is the timo time of the bush fires As aa as the hot months of summer have done their work iliou sands of acres of forest are set blazing until in ili some districts the country lies under a pall of smoke and along the coast navigation is hindered by the huge clouds that ceat drift out to sea throughout tho the year the bushmen who usually undertake tho the work dvork by contract with tho farmers 41 have been busy felling and till bing an all the taig tangled led undergrowth of creeper and g anti and ti tree co fern smothered with mass and lichens and carpeted with wit ll 11 beds of smaller ferns doil delicate cate a as seaweed all this is ruthlessly slashed down and the trees within a certain limit and size are felled this lone done it remains only to pray lor for ivy dry weather fires are lighted and in ili an ail hour acres acre of mag mae iii dicent forest ire are going up lip in smoke and flamo flame to prepare the land tor cultivation ti 1 |