Show indi indian a n carrl carrie e nation A comanchie Coman clie indian named no nc te ya ia has started al a sort of mrs airs carrio carrie aaion crusado in in southwest oklahoma i until recently lio lie hay has been a co common ninion every day but about a i month ago ho he developed into a tern tem lra uce re reformer fornier and his ox exhortation to the men ay d vom crot ills his tribe hass has caused a great stir lie ile has shado shadowed weI 11 bulous indians in ili cawton Jaw Lav ton toli ar and has a long list ol of i igmos rj bios of men who sold liquor to them which ho he has sent to united tinted states attorney horace speed le he has already caused the arrest of C L estes who runs runa a saloon at cache and has sufficient evidence against him film to convict tile the penalty for 1 or selling liquor to indians is very severe |