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Show MEN'S CLOTHES 600 YEARS OLD FOUND COPENHAGEN. July 15 Mens (costumes of the 13th and 14th i n-i n-i turles havo been found In Greenland They are in cn excellent state of preservation! pres-ervation! and resemble the clothes torn by Dante In the published pictures ,,i the Italian poet They are not yet 'open to public i a . ion may be ex-I ex-I hiblted at some future date, i These interesting finds were made by Dr Noerlund, a Danish scientist, I While excavating in ancient burial grounds In the soul h western part of Greenland Th- are I he only existing spei mens in the orld ol garments, Iworn lv men in the 13th and Hth ' enturles. Being deposited in the froz-j froz-j en earth for about 600 years has pro-lerved pro-lerved them from destruction by moth land age The garments arc now In Copi nhagen and deposited In i ho Danish Dan-ish collection in the museum house In he Crimson's palace. Dr. Noerlund has found also several sev-eral old wooden crosses In the frozen I earth They are covered with inscriptions inscrip-tions In the Gothic rune script, and ! are considered by scientists to bo of igr. at historic value. |