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Show Seven days in lit or n. y. 11 By JESSIE HENDERSON V.' JESSIE HENTERSON. tight, 122, by The Standard-lhBT Standard-lhBT ' Examiner. ) kijfer yORK. Inly 15. TIkit's not ftrT)j difference between New York MfXtrograd except th.it In Petro-)Cy Petro-)Cy have fewer motor cars. And, 'It'were not enough to try to ECk of the prire of gasoline, of lilfcrbureter peculiarities and of JJJEger looking man who In wait ill steal the robe. one inn-t now pone's self of a traffic warn-. warn-. M If there Is anv other little Srhlch the pollee can think up Sflce life highly desirable, now Is fe to spring It. From now on, frw York motorist la frantically Ing hi precinct captain for one ' ' yellow enrds "do not mutl- reep In a clean condition ' is the , T.-v,irti r,vi-7-- driver B waniniR u.v,w j 6e or car must have by August 'Beards h. Just been issued u arc to bear the owner's descrlp-H!Hd descrlp-H!Hd photograph, like a passport. tn them the cop writes things ..Bine you Infringe a traffic rule ifrlngenients means arrest or a i 0ns. Altogether the new traffic kll& card is Just another one ofi jttle things which moke the u knltc look forward with less re-1 to the Gieal Beyon.l OLhe Maharajah of Itajpipla. how- ifithey at present offer anything j e invitation to inert P.eiprr, hntleman with the srviho The fajah of Rajplpla don't ask how. pronounced is spending a fort- iifln'and about wv Voik for th ge of discovering what mstitii-k'have mstitii-k'have made the T'nited States with a view to adapting them' nattve Bombay. Since his ty intends to make an intensive law rRnev Island amontr other1 Jtlons, a good time on a scenic V& down Monn H' erest or a 7ip-a 7ip-a tttoot the chutes on the Ganges 0Be expected by modernized '"Ult to City Hall is another phase fc5Ifahar-i.iah - 1 rM' r'f observation also takes a fling at prohibition libadway, his list of what makes kBg. a well know n should be kHe. Coney Island Maor II-Bd II-Bd the olte nl mI a.-, Interpret-lundabout Interpret-lundabout 12nd this is seeing T adequately In ihr. jumps. wjk did the, do for fun In N'ew hbefore Volstead look matters I., IB couldn't have been much' tin taking a drink when drink.-' afiot anathema or when one didn't aBb,ether blindness or mere blind' Ijm lurked in the cup. Hut now fork Is n-aiu t i king prohibition y. .A loud noise rent asunder lllar of a warehouse When -the B nails and plaster had some-Nfcbslded, some-Nfcbslded, investigation revealed Hj-gallon '-'ill The explosion. iK which occurred at night, brought residents resi-dents of the Btreet to the sidewalk In fantastic night attire. Anxiety on the part of various onlookers led the police to Investigate. In an adjacent basement they found six other stills all going full blast. Tho more anxious anx-ious of the onlookers drifted back to (bed before ihe police had a chance to inquire who was parking stills in that particular basement. From one point of view the damage dam-age was trifling. But from another point of view, some 90 gallons of home brew had gone blooey. It Isn't necessary, either, to do anything any-thing so crude as to label your homo brow by its correct name. Until the police interfered this week, you could for a few pennies purchase any sort of lab-) jrotl desired, as well as larg stnmps. Some Jealous Callfornian, eager to steal away New York's biggest drawing draw-ing card, must havo inspired tho report re-port of the American Bar association to the effect that Los Angeles has jthree times as many murders per year 'as New York City. The canard prob-jably prob-jably originated because Now Yorkers 'have for so long been so adept in getting away with murder As the rumor gets about that visitors from the far and middle west do not have to keep one hand on their watch and the other on a police whistle all tn-way tn-way from Times Square to the Flat Iron building tho hotels will soon be complaining of the great falling off In trade. It isn r exactly nice. either. for Health Commissioner CopeMand to insist in-sist that N'ew York City is a health resort According to the commissioner, commission-er, the death rate .30 years ago was' 97 for children under 5, now it 16 j only 24. This Is all vers well for the vniincstprfl hiil the nm m lisinn er i lought to realize that out of town folks j don't come to Broadway for their health and rash statements like the .above arc llkcl to react on the fair fame of our town We submit that jNew York is still the only town In ;the world Where a hundred or so commuters com-muters run start for work via the subway sub-way and wake up in a hospital be-' be-' cause someone Ikls blundered In the Imatter of putting the wrong kind of quenchment on a short circuit fire. ! ii is little things like that which keep ones Interest alive Things like that, and like Mathilde McCormlck's sixth or is it seventh" trip here to consult Grandpa John D Rockefeller about her betrothal to the Swiss riding rid-ing master Yes, and like the railroad rail-road strike. The Erie his taken off some score of suburban tialns, a fact Which bv some miraculous chance does not seem to impair the er-vlce. |