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Show ENTERTAINED AT K BIRTHDAY DIXI VH E Mr. and Mrs. J. B, White of Para- Hp dlse, Utah, enteralned at a birthday B, dinner for Mr. White's mother Mr.-. Bt Barnaiil Wrhite, .t their homo, in Par- Wk adlse. londay, July 10. Bpf &ae long table was set on the U w h K' irti'i covers were laid for 31 guest-. A Et color scheme, using cut Qowers) was Rffi carried out in pink and white. Dr. BTi D. N. White of Ogden. Dr. J. D. Har- mi ding and Mrs. Barnard White gave H toaats during the dinner WF't Following the dinner, a program Bp was given, which consisted of readings. IB'-'. I by Miss Bcrnlce Harding, Bliss Marion Wu I Johnson, Miss Ruth Johnson. and Bf 1 Miss Dorothy White and Miss Jun-j Bfe. I White and a saxophone solo by Hr. n?S I Joseph White. Games were enjoyed Bsl j after the program. K5t The children and near relatives of Ef' 'Mrs. White present were Dr. and Mrs. ' D. N. White. Ogden, Dr. and Mra J. H !l. Harding, Ogden. Miss Bernice riar- p; ding. Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy ! White, Perry. Utah; Miss Ruth John- W .'. son, Garland; Mr. and Mrs. Dluf John- B.f . son. Garland, Mr. and Mrs. Oluf John- fcV Parkinson. Franklin, Idaho, John WX. Vhlte, Ogden, Glenn White. Ogden; H Mr. and ilrs. James White, and Mr. and Mrs. J B. White and families ani K' a large number of grand children. f ; - r |