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Show THEATRES "Nanook of the North" at the Ogden Theatre Today "Nanook of thf North," the feature coming to the Ogden theatre todajy, produced for Revlllon F.-ercs by tn notnd explorer and engineer, Robert J. Flaherty, F R. o. S., Is th real, true fltory of a great Eskimo hunter I and his fnmlly j The huge and very dangerous walrus wal-rus tho polar bear nnd tho seal Na-I nook catches in hand to band encoun- ters, killing with nothing more formidable formid-able than his harpoon on the end of a seal-hide l.nr II, fishes without bait, luring the fish within range of his spear with two small pieces of Ivory dangling on seal-hide cords. His knife is of shining ivory from i the,tusks of the walrus So as to cut more easily Nanook licks It and It Is instantly glared with io It is his1 only tool used in the building of his j winter dwelling his igloo of :now and ice. The 'household belonginrs of Nanook. Na-nook. hl8 wife an.-! three child ren con sist of a few rohes of bear and deer skin, a stone pot and stone lamps. These he carries wherever the search ' for food fs'-- on IiIh dog-sledge made of wood, which is vc - precious to Nanook. He sometimes walks mllBi nlong the henr-h to find n log that ha drifted, perhaps from Winnipeg a thousand mile awaj For light ' he uses moss for wlrking and seal oil for f uel Vet. in spite of .he hardships of life' and its lng,e pUrpDSO fOOd the Fs-I klmo is the happie.d most content and kindliest creature In the world |