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Show BASEBALL CLUB'S FINANCES I REPORTED IN GOOD CONDITION I Financial Statement Issued Following Audit; I Mayor Says Following Reorganization I Ogden to Have First Class Team I The financial condition of the Ogden Baseball club of the Northern Utah H league for the present season was made known yeRierday after the books of the club had been audited by William V. Rockefeller, The statement show jM tho club to he ln a good condition at the present time. Major Prank Francis said yesterday that the reorganization of tho Ogden 9 club would be effected and that the fans could rest assured that Ogden would H have a good team in the field during the remaining games of tho schedule "We will strengthen tho weak spots on the team immediately." Hj ASKS FOR SUPPORT. "Tho loyal fans of the ctly are urged to show their boosting spirit and attend the contests. It will require a few days to perfect tie planB of the playing end of the club but fans of the city who attend the games will jm accorded some good baseball At this time the support of the loyal fans i? needed and baseball, to be a success, must have their backing Brigham plays Ogden here Sunday Let's have a record-breaking crowd in attend Hj ance." H The statement follows. R EVENT B Receipts from league games HS Games at Ogden 111.600.6 H Games at Smithfield (1) guarantee , 9.0" H Games at Logan (2) guarantee 300.00 B Games at Brigham U) 187.36 B Exhibition games at Ogden (3) 664.75 B Baseball dance 605 6" B Donations 507.25 Bj Season tickets . 33.00 B Revenue from box seats 128-26 B RofUDa 1T.35 B Total receipts $14,084.11 B DISBURSEMENTS. , B To other clubs. 50 per cent of net gate receipts Brigham City $ 2,U1 $S Logan LOW .47 Smithfield 1.486.31 Paid Northern Utah league, 10 per cent of gate receipts 1,042. 9F U. S. government war tax 818.4 i Official scorer (Al Warden) $6.00 Ticket sellers and ticket takers 261.00 j Expenses of dance, hall, orchestra, war tax 1S9.6S Exhibition games Utah Oil Refining 100.0c I Printing (A. T. Hestmark) 58 95 Repairs club house, batting cage, etc 33.515 Balls, bats, etc : 468.1- Tending grounds, miscellaneous ground expenses 83-50 Transportation ot players to Ogden 9128 Traveling expenses of team to othor towns 274. r- Northern Utah league deposit (returnable end of season) 400.01' Paid on oil accounts 1921 season , 576-00 ! Salaries of players from May 10 to June 30 3,500.00 Training expenses and miscellaneous expenses prior to opening of ; season 1,337.80 Total disbursements $12,816.6:- Cash on hand in bank 1,277.56 $14,09 1 11 ACCOUNTS DUE JULY 1 'American Linen Supply Co. $ 16.30 Boyle Furniture Co - 143 32 Browning Bros. Co 7 75 E. W. Cunnady (llabill? Insurance) 160-0'J Equity Oil Co 38.lt' John Farr Coal Co. i,lime) 3.00 Qlen Bros.-Robert Piano Co., piano for dance 600 Gwllllam Lumber Co 6.97 R B. Giles & Co. (ticket caaes) 12.1u Internal revenue department 491.01 Geo. A. Lowe Co 36.28 Matthews Art Shop (poster) 7.10 Fred M Nye Co, balls and bata 214. 0o Ogden Advertising Co., sign 4.0" I Ogden Sporting Goods Co., balls and bats 165.9" Ogden L tab Knitting Co., sweaters 65.0" Regal Cleaners, cleaning unliorms 31.3o J. G. Read & Bros. Co., (repairs to bar bag) 7, Spargo s Look Store (record books) 15.30 Wattlfl Kimball Motor Co. (rental of cars ior transportation of team to other towns) , 98.S" Western Union, telegrams 17-46 $16,016.08 Note Of the amount due internal revenue department $246-03 ls pa ruent on June games and due before July 31, and $244. 98 Is payment on Juiy games to July 10 and payable beioro Augiut 31. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. ASSETS Cash on band in bank $ 1,277.66 Due irom league 500.01' Chairs for box seat 100.00 Players' equipment and balls 200.00 Two sets of uniforms 306.00 Deficit 68.52 $ 2,441.08 LIABILITIES. Accounts payable (due) $ 1,270.10 Accounts payable (not due) 244.9 Players' salaries to July 15 V 60.00 Ground keeper, ticket sellers and tackers to July 15 76.00 Miscellaneous expenses 100.00 $2,441.0 TREASURERS REPORT 1921 OGDEN BASEBALL CLUB. RECEIPTS. Games played at Ogden $21,322.31 Out of town game 2,906 66 Salo of season tickets , 3,143.25 I Contribution! 409.78 Salo programs and box seat 449.65 j Refund and guarantee Northern Utah basoball 818.15 Recoveries .... 480.92 Money borrowed . . 1,400 00 Total receipts $30,930.72 Overdraft First National bank '. 19.40 Total $30,950.13 DISBURSEMENTS - Paid to Northern Utah baseball league $ 2,133.83 Paid to league clubs 9,168.80 ft' Paid to other clubs 332.64 - r War tax on games at Ogden 2,324 14 & Salaries to players 11,648.29 t Transportation of players 813.71 I Training expenses 210 01 jw Expenses to other towns 931.46 1 Tssapfconc, tolegrsph and advertising 187. 8fi p Supplies, equipment and other expenses 1,039.25 p Wages and care of grounds 833.25 E Notes and interest paid 846-88 t Guarantee deposited with Northern Utah baseball league 700.00 p- Total disbursements $30,950.12 S T. JKPPESEN, Treasurer. ft I |