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Show Iain labor iOUBLElOOMS p of Commons Has Bill Limiting Union's h Rights IWL DAVID M. cni'ROH. Mrnatlonal News F-orvioo) WON, July 16. Serious labor SjSp loom thro.-il.TiiriKly upon tho kjkorlzon tonlKht. Britain is Wm the strike troubles of th Ptatns from under :i cloud of Eouse of commons la conshl-IjfilU conshl-IjfilU limiting th riphts of trade It Laboritop :r" bitterly hostile Wcasun: :ind threaten to plunpo Ulon int.n a f-nonil strike i)f j workern If It Is enacted Into Kitlvcs of 1 hi- r:ritiPh mal min-tUon min-tUon will im-i-t sni.ii to consld-iffjrage consld-iffjrage question and ftravi irs exist thai th'-se dlnr-iiS-Mon: fp.d to a walkout In tho coal HlAlrea.lv sevirnl local striken lcn called in iho Welsh cotil Epmi:n may STRIKE. British railroad rommlsalon down mo i. ."n.- toil t af f- t -Iflf" wages of l'.niroail -hopnu n Jpmcn claim that the il . .Xtlafactory and an Ihn-alenlng pock oi k'T- a inn arc rcstiv- tt threat, ninp I ruibh' h dairv workers. havi been or-.Jfcy or-.Jfcy their union to strike, but er has n..t .-t hen obeyed- f quit. London will be menaced IWmllk -m' IM. oo , |