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Show kirn To Ogden fter 1200-Mile ulourney By Auto .lr visiting the many scenic of southern Utah and the "i Canvnn h automobile, Lr. Sirs Edward I Klch. their 4y und irlends. returned to pJn last evening They were telght days and traveled -ftilles. Jjhe parly, beside Ijr and . Jfrlch wen Junloi and Avon NPt Miss Fslhe-r Welty of .N-Elty. .N-Elty. low a, and Tui lor 1'eory jA-tervlli... Lai ftt Ogcl. ii tin party went Lu ttBcan i- ork , on ami . tigh the rect-ntlj discovered Iftnagos cave, thence to Fmh A. From I he lal;- the party gttf to Lrycc's canyon, Grand OD, St. ej' o.b',', Zn ii's canyon. "MBrook- ana tiieii relurnud jggKRich aaul tiiat one of th,' ?Hlmpi'essl vo points reaclu d tile enlln- journey v.a.-ijjtfBreaivo v.a.-ijjtfBreaivo '.'.lure tin: automo-jlllmbed automo-jlllmbed '".'Mi leet 111 10 miles. 'as -ill, on the uiuuntaln-OVhere, uiuuntaln-OVhere, in |