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Show ven On the Hottest Days H X. s-m a m II I Uur Sales Appeal lo 3 Busy Buyers 9 t may not be so very much fun shopping on very hoc Hays, but it's lots of fun saving money at any time. The (j Bittle "rake off" on the general purchases there's lenty of money then for ice cream soda and something :o cool off with. Surely busy buyers are always appealed ap-pealed to by our soda, and busy buyers are going to lave the time of their lives when they take advantage y( the offers now being made. 50c Horlick's Malted Milk 42 $1.00 Horlick's Malted Milk 83 (' $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk... $3.25 LI $110 TanLac 87 i 25c Mentholatum 21 50c Mentholatura 42 60c Emulsion Cocoanut Oil 49 40c Castoria 33 50c Oumatone Tooth Paste 380 fift for f New Lot New Size gKLTS Travelers Hair Brush Eavel,r' ,as,s for , both All alumillUm set hair brsh tnen ami women and some in a nevv sizc Allows fcW K tm?i CTletC ?Oie ample service for all 1 Uiprnents for the children heada of a1 Unusually Mtt ? S rt ing in this respect but just Giry Sat" as surprising in the low planed. Io know you must prjCe 79 . Varation films developed, ;ncy soda served in u expertly, rapidly and cheap- ttassy way In fact all the ly cheaply only so far as yBM8 that good drinks can price is concerned. In at 9 3Tis&rovide. a. m., out at 5 p. m OgK i H&tationerv for summer let- Vogcl's Arctic candy with- K Best writing needs at 0ntr favulI- lny f Dtiny time. Some novel -Jul,- ,f,r,eshl' kt ,A , I11-' refrigerated," you know. bJfcnes shown now at.. 39 the pound 49 aL ' y!" , A 10me or n vacatiori this adver-it0 adver-it0 OOO tisement appeals to you here are the I nOne Z88 gods you want to buy. Just telephone T and we will send them to yon no mat- 1 er where you are. 1 Preacription BpecialUU jjj 2479 Washlngrton Ave. OgcUn, Utah I The Most Economical I I f and Nourishing Food is 1 I I GOOD Bread I I m I m OGDEN BAKING CO.'S BUTTERNUT I 1 10c BREAD 10c I I m "Rseh as Better Sweet as a Hut" M m n m 1 II Insures you ell that h Best Pure and Most Wholesome. K BUTTER-NUT BREAD haa that delicious taste that makes f B f( you glad to ask for more. BUTTER-NUT BREAD is rich SS v$x in all the elements which strengthen the human body made UM H SS of selected wheat flour, scientifically baked under perfect, B! H M 3 sanitary conditions it is the Supreme Quality Bread IM B 0 INVIGORATII- g J jj WcA us ButtmrSwt m Nut I OGDEN BAKING CO. I II Ogden, Utah M I Utah's Finest Bakery re J f I i THE EDEN WAY Is the best way. Ask your . S? neighbor about her Eden. m ' 71 I Her answer: ffBXf "It U the best washing 'Oglffi machine I ever used." Lki- I 1 Let us prove their state- BxmE'i ' PI ment by giving you a dem- VssSItT I I onstration in your own w 1 Jurt Call 581 eT? THE LIGHTHOUSE I Quality Electric Store. Phone 581. 2452 Wash, Ave. Dance at Ogdon'a Ideal Resort HERMITAGE PARK I r' Ogden Canyon, every night except p f ii UtiJ 9 m 1 e3e3 Continuous I YEARS J Management M j I I j The Bank Where You Get the I I Most Service C I H is tho bank in which to open your Savings Ac- i t count. The Ogden State Bank has always I t. e placed "service" to the people of Weber Coun- ' I c ty ahead of everything else and in SERVICE J ; I a this institution includes: ft I P 111 Ik ' j d 1 Providing safety. I P 2 Oo-operation in the beat use of funds. v m, a 3 Counsel in the solving of financial problems. !?'' sS ! If l 4 per cent QUARTERLY interest on Savings. Ph I i Ogdkn State Bank I Capital and Surplus f 300,000,00 E s . f Cy IWTEREST COlTPOtJNDKO y4 Cyi fc i - O QUARTERLY ON AVI NG 4t Q f |