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Show " Domestic Science Department (V. S y m Sperry Flour Company o M I Sperry 1 111 DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR ' li J RED PACKAGE CEREALS Iff Vtt The houSfeWives ot Ogden and vicinity are cordially Invited to at- III '.i,A )fM tend a practical demonHtration of easv and economical methods of W H 'vf? baking given by Mrs. Man Marshment of the Domestic Science De- ty i- !ji y ' partraent of the Sperry Flour Company Demonstrations will be V . . , ' neld af our store from 9 to 11 and from 1 to 4 next Monday. Tue- Wj ' c.. A dft-v and Wednesday, giv ing instruction in the making of pies cakes, t, Slj cookies, biscuits, etc . n J Mrs. Marshment. who is a practical domestic scientist, will be glad M 15 . (y ' to help you 8olve J"our bread malting and baking problems No M vj goods are sold by Sperrv demonslrators Feci free to call upon w Mrs- Marshment without obligation. Ds ' V Free To every womau attending this demonstration, we will giva 1$ 'NiaVifl The BDlendid Sperry Cook Book, full of practical, proved and eco llfg ' :iciB nomical recipes. WX. 1 1 Washington Market 1 2472 WASHINGTON AVENUE MM MONDAY $8 PRW M O N DAY 2378 Washington Avnuo' II T Monday and Tuesday J Phenomenal Savings J JL In the Final Disposal of y Suits, Coats, Dresses and Waiists l $25.00 to $35.00 Tweed Suits . , llocS $52.50 to $65.00 Tailored Suits . J mtS! $70.00 to $85.00 Tailored Suits 537.50 I ! $ 7.50 to $10.00 Summer Dresses 5 5.5 $25.00 to $35.00 Silk Dresses . $12.50 $40.00 to $55.00 Silk Dresses $19.50 $25.00 to $35.00 Cloth Coats .1 $14.50 $45.00 to $65.00 Cloth Coats .( $22.50 $25.00 to $35.00 Silk Capes . , : $14.50 $ 2.50 to $ 3.00 Cotton Waisjts $ 1.45 $ 3 75 to $ 5.00 Hand-made Waists $ 2.95 $10.75 to $12.75 Silk Waists! 8.95 All Are From Regular Stock and Reduced Below Production Cost J ENTIRE STOCK CLXTH SKIRTS Ttl) Get That New SuitU First July-Clearance Sale "1 25 off I ON EV13RY SUIT IN THE HOUSE il SPEC I ALS ON FURNISHINGS II HOGGAN'S 1 "MEN DUDS" Fred J. Kiesel 331dg. 335 Twenty-fourth St. M ""ill '"' ' I lWteoth"i5Sl? ,MU1!? deanHave Dr. A. J. Foutz, p. d s. Rpalth. 1 v" wl" have good i A OJd tooth uncared for coo, Dr E R FoutZ. !? 0 1 .t.ntly get. wor. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Ou - prfc"t.ce U tfl T Wi m gr,1de dentl New Method Dentist! 2465 AND MM WASHINGTON AVfe'NUE D.I , . NUE Pa,nle" Extraction of Teeth PM I |