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Show SAYS ATTACK IS VICIOUS Garvan Replies to Speech of Senator Moses on Dye Patents NEW YORK, July 15. Francis 1 Garvan, president of the Chemical Foundation Inc , In a statement last night replying to what he termed the "vicious and malicious atiack" of Senator Motes Friday upon tho foundation foun-dation and every other organization or business connected with the American Am-erican chemical Industry challenged tho senator lo repeat his statements In the newspapers ho owns in Concord, Con-cord, X H T HJ I Ej A TENS EXPOS 1 5. "If ho will waive his senatorial privilege and repeat his slanders in the columns of that paper." Mr Gar-van's Gar-van's statement said, "i win Instantly take the opportunity to exposo him and his relation with German agents and the falsity of his slanders before a Jury of his own neighbors I promise prom-ise to prove his motives and tho source of his Information before a. Jury of the people of Concord, N. H., by his own correspondence with tho German agents If he has the courage lo produce that correspondence " Tho former alien property custodian custo-dian charged that Senator Moses was tho moving spim in the senate ln-lntroduclng ln-lntroduclng the resolution for tho appointment of a committee "to Invest In-vest iga to ull the charges ho now repeats re-peats " Tho committee consisted of Senators Shortridue and Sterling, Mr Garvan oald, and they sat' for months In the same building in which was the office of Senator Moses, WOULD NOT APPEAR. "Senator Moses never dared to appear ap-pear before that committee to substantiate sub-stantiate any of his oft-repeated slanders, slan-ders, though often Invited and urged to do so." the statement added. "I appeared there, waiving all immunities immuni-ties nnd testified under oath, and Senator Shortridge announced that either Senator Moses or King, or any one else In the world, might appear ciuu -1 examaiif me. CONCORD, N H . July 15 Senator George H. Moses, who was challenged by Francis P. Garviui In New York last night to repeat In the newspapci ho owns in Concord. N. IL," statements state-ments which he made In the senatu Friday regarding the Chemical Foundation Foun-dation was for nian. yearn editor of the Concord Monitor He left this position when he was elected to the senate In 1 9 IS to fill the unexptrod term of 8cnntor Galllngcr. William D. Chandler Is publisher of tho Monitor. Mon-itor. rr |