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Show TAFT HAS NEW SLOGAN OF WAR NEW YORK, Oct. 11. "The War Must Not Only Be Won, -But STAY WON." This is William H. Taffs new war slogan. It juts out of a statement the ex-president issued here today as his contribution to the loan drive on Liberty Lib-erty day. The whole statement follows: fol-lows: "Tho overwhelming success of the fourth Liberty loan must be the answer an-swer of the American people to Germany's Ger-many's bid for peace. Through the loan, every man, woman and child can help swell tho great chorus of 'No!' "The six billions we pay for these bonds will do more than buy ships and munitions. They will smother any lingering lin-gering doubts tho enemy may have about our determination to fight until the whole system of military autocracy crumbles. "Liberty bonds are in investment in the future of humanity. Tho returns re-turns are not to be measured by any 1 14 per cent. Every dollar wo spend to beat Germany is a dollar invested in the safety and happiness of our children chil-dren and their children for countless generations. "The loan, therefore, should make Its strongest appeal to those who see at the end of this war not only victory, vic-tory, but what victory moans. The war- must, not only be won, but stay won. The fourth Liberty loan Is part of the price we are paying for a permanent per-manent league ot free nations, formed to bring safety and justice to the whole world. "Those who already have bought bonds to help win the war should buy another to help kcop it won. , An un , decisive victory, an Inconclusive peace will mean that our blood and treasure have been poured out In vnin." The League to Enforce Peace, makes public a letter from Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, addressed to Mr. Taft, as president of the league, expressing appreciation of the work done for former loans by the officers and members of the league organization organiza-tion and urging renewed efforts in the present campaign. The appeal says: "As this campaign will be shorter by a week than the previous one, it behooves all of us to" see that every ounce of the win-lhe-war spirit now so manifest everywhere is utilized. To this end it is hoped organizations of every character in the United States, as such, will respond as patriotically as they did in the previous loan campaigns. cam-paigns. "The League to Enforce Peace, of which you are president, through Jts individual members, as well as a unit, rendered splendid service in the three previous loans. May tho country count upon the league's doing as well in the coming campaign? "And you, personally, Mr. Taft, I trust, will find time from your ninny duties to help.' I shall deeply. appreciate appre-ciate your co-operation." |