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Show oo 10 SOLDIERS DIE OF THE SPISK FLO SALT LAKE, OcL 10. Word was received in Salt Lake yesterday of the death from Spanish influenza of Private Pri-vate W. E. Mlllerberg, who enlisted in the marine corps in June, 1917. .He died at the League Island Naval hospital, hos-pital, Philadelphia, October 4, at the age of -23 years. Private Millcrbcrg was the son of Mrs. S. H. Lane, formerly of Salt Lake and now of Oakland, Cal., who with a daughter, Althea Millerberg, survives him. Following his enlistment the young soldier was sent to the marine barracks at Mare Island, 'Cal., for training, whero ho remained until July of this year, when he was transferred to League Island. He was a member of tho Fraternal Order of Eagles, Salt Lake aerie No. 67. The body has been taken to Oakland, where a mlllitary funeral will be held. The ofllclal casualty list carries two names previously reported. Albert G. Clayton of the Eighteenth infantry, a Salt Lake youth, whoso father, W. H.Clayton, H.-Clayton, resides at 1746 Tenth East street, was recovered from the wound sustained and at last accounts received receiv-ed by the parents was about to leave the hospital to join his regiment. Tho death of Daniel R. Micholsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Micholsen of 674 Thirteenth East street, -was reported some little time ago. Samuel C. Boiler of Potlatch, Idaho, Is reported dead of accident; James L. Lahcrty of Moscow, Idaho, and Stanley Stan-ley W. Thomas of Lehl, Utah, previously pre-viously reported, have been wounded severely, while William J. Dwyer, a marine from Eagle, Idaho, previously reported missing, has returned to his company. Arrangements for the funeral of Jess W. Barnes of Heber City, Utah, -who died recently at Camp Holebird, Md.. of Spanish influenza, are pending arrival ar-rival of 'the body, which is on its way west with a soldier guard. Official word was received yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stevenson of Price that their son, George, with the marines, was wounded in action on September 15. The degree had been undetermined and no particulars were given. The young soldier is but 10 and volunteered in May, 1917; after1 training train-ing on the Pacific coast, was sent to Quantico, W. Va., and early in the year went to France. He has been in almost continuous action since early spring. His last lottcr on September 1 stated stat-ed that his regiment was back of the lines for a short rest after some heavy action. He was well at that time, although previous reports had stated that he was wounded. I ' nn |