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Show FOUR-MITE SPEECH I BY A SWlftLL BOV I "The meaning of bonds and fourth IH Liberty Loan." "Now that tho fourth Liberty loan IH campaign has opened we must pledge vm to buy all the bonds we possibly can. IH In this great crisis we must remember this is not a rich man's war, nor a IH profiteerer's war. This is a war of iJ humanity. vM "We have to support our brave boya IH who are giving their lives for us. Re- iH member Belgium, France, Roumania IH and the other conquered countries. M "The allies shall, and will not accept a peace similar to the one that IH Germany gave Russia, and will not be a peace manufactured in Germany. It tM will be manufactured by the allies. "If we do not buy all the bonds we can we probably shall see one of -the iH kaiser's six sons ruling over America, IH our country, and "we do not want this iH to happen, but It will happen if Ave do not support our government. "Belgium, Serbia and Rumania are IH conquered and this is ail because there is a German emperor who dreamed of IH world dominion. Eut he will not get IH "Friends, Generarl Pershing will either eat his Christmas dinner in SH Berlin or America. Remember Abra- VM ham Lincoln's words 'that government of the people, for the people, and by the people, shall not perish from tho earth.' iH "People of Ogden and of the United W States, buy, buy, buy, until It hurts to jH I buy any more." W The author of the above four-min- IH ute addresses is Master Godfrey Her- vM bert Morgan, son of Mrs. Margaret IH Morgan of 811 Twenty-fifth street. 1W Young Godfrey delivered this address In his classroom, the sixth grade from jM of the Madison school, on Monday aft- IH ernoon, last. M The address was composed without IH aid or suggestion from any other per- IH son. The author is 10 years old, a member of the sixth grade, and the IH proud subscriber to a ?50 fourth Lib- MM crty bond. |