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Show I A TinCT P7 ', This Seasons JUeb- I A K J fe bq :4i utantes of Middle I FAMILIES . HE I of 1 ! J nine Smith, Hmilie Maftilt filli !j . Ji Cab;inne, and Mildred Lloyd. J Below Misses Katherine i '. ""'' fM Guy, Mnthilde Cooke and 1 j . Dorothy Bnkewell. vjf I ji . ' - & ;, . i . I'.. .-.'.; Hales, is of ;m I " J . -'-; . 1 : family. Her mother fl V, - i.- :C:,n. M il it ..ml tin. mi-)! the i !j 1 Chouti - ind Maffltts Bhe ia prom- I ; 1 . ) '. Inenl among the first families Th I jf i V; upV . V M :s were also of Virginia de- j I rlva on an were army officers V j J ir l r.nMii 'I. d night, r ut Win- V fl JsVUT w X. 7AkI 7 I..-UI S.-..U I.l'.y.l H.-r moth.-r was 1 v s s KKSJ ) Grace Papln and through her moth- f i NfJLOJI Q or 1 y jC . 11 sn' " "" '" ,no 1 M"a V' CorHfr ' " y . . PzWcEll" ' r '" ' An,on- l"'r V V?vl STRAUSS PORTRMT. : . Tn.c(. Prt'TPfliT TCSjt anceston -i tint MaJ William 1 ilVv TRAU5- PCkTRAlT jMyH 4 l l', was a Mster of yLl I Virginia boasts of her blue-Mood-v.'d "l'lrsl Families of Virginia." Massachusetts haa her aristocracy dating back to those Pilgrim fath-ajre fath-ajre who flrsl stepped n Pi mouth Rock. Pennsylvania can go back to the Quakers. N'ew York to the Dutch and Louisiana to the early French, but the Flutes in the interior of thw country can boast their "First Families," Fam-ilies," i .. with a long line of ll l.i.-i : ou.- forbears reaching back n lo the dus when men with commissions com-missions from the King of France penetrated into the Interior in quest oi fortune sometimes and BOOM times in quest of freedom. Missouri is one of these States With a list of ancient families extending ex-tending back five, six and seven generations. Ten of this Besjson B debutantes can lay claim to being of the first families of Missouri. Five of them can go back to Pierre Laclede, who established the leading trading post in Missouri, even bc-fore, bc-fore, Missouri was a territory These families came to the State when Louisiana extended north to Canada Can-ada and when the French were supreme su-preme in the land. Possibly the debutante who can count the most generations in Missouri Mis-souri is Miss Sunle Cabanne Smith, who goes back seven generations, to Pierre Laclede. She can lay claim l descent from the Laclede household house-hold on both sides of the family. Her father is James Shepard Smith. The Smith i y u l ack to Laclede through tne Chen'es. Papins and Chou-tpa us, all eld French families. Ihroujii her mo'.ncr. who wa-j j-Utm Sunle Cabanne she can trace her bneage directly back to the Chou-teaus Chou-teaus and Laclcdes. Miss Julie Chenie Goodc is also a member of the first families of Missouri, tracing her ancestry back to Pierre Laclede on both sides of the house. Her father is Maj. George W. Ooode. who Is of the CH HERMANN PHOTO house of Lfciclcde through maternal ancestors. Her mother was Miss Susie Cabanne, also of Laclede, through the Chotitcaus Miss Emllle Maflltt Cabanne is 'he third of the Laclede-Chouteau "X S PORTRAIT 7 m i descendants. She Is the daughter of Sarpy Carr Cabanne Her mother was Julia Goode. She also goes back into the old Virginia families for the Goodes were of Virginia. Mis Nancy Bates, daughter of i m k .Tt?AU53 PORTRAIT Gen. Zachary Taylor. FIRST OF IjI.M: INTRODDCEU CCIN ATION, Miss Mathilda R. Cooke, ono of the Missouri debutantes of the old French families, has an unusual distinction, dis-tinction, as the first of her line to roach America was a noted physician physi-cian of France. Be was Dr. Saug-raln Saug-raln .:nd It was he who introduced j i war a yrs i raciMnatlon asralnst smallpox In America more than 100 iears aso. Miss Cooke's father is William Mordecai Cooke and her mother before be-fore her marriage was Miss Lily Cilldehaus. Through her mother she is related with prominent German Ger-man families and traces her lineage back to the Hapshurgs. the ruling line of Austria. Through the Cookes 1 '"'' :;'7 i.uO PORTRAIT she Is descended from the Von Puhl family, one of the old families of Missouri before the days of statehood. state-hood. The Von Puhls came to Missouri Mis-souri from Kentucky, which then was part of Virginia, Henry Von Puhl was one of the first trustees of Christ Church, the first Episcopal Church in tho State. Henry Von Puhl was a young man when he came to Missouri. Prior to liinsr In Kentucky tho family had lived in Penns lvania. Henry Von Puhl m ii l ied a daughter of Dr. Saugrain, thus connei ting the family with the famous French physician. Dr. SsvUgrain left France at the time of the French Revolution. For seven generations his family had been librarian to the King of Franjrek Dr. ..-iaugrain was a great friend of Benjamin Franklin at the time Franklin was In Paris working for aid of the French Government in our war for American Independence. At the time of the French Revolution Revolu-tion Dr. Sau grain saved the French library from destruction. Lives 37ere In danger there and because he was of noble blood the revolu- I tlonlsts were especially hostile toward to-ward him. He went to New Orleans Or-leans and from New Orleans to Missouri. Mis-souri. Missouri of course was then a part of Louisiana and New Orleans Or-leans was tho capital. Miss Emma Garesche Is ths daughter of Edmond Garesche Her mother wai Emma W. Jennings. The Garesches were an old French family, fam-ily, coming from France to the West Indies, thence to New Orleans and finally to St. Louis. Mist Katherine Lemolne Guy is a daughter of William Evans Guy Her mother was Katherine B. Le-moine. Le-moine. Through her mother she Is a descendant of th old French family fam-ily of Lemolne. The first Lemolne was a doctor of note. Miss Florence D'Arche Lucas is daughter of James Lucas. Before her marriage her mother was Prudence Pru-dence M Hunt. Her "first family claim Is through the D'Arche family. The Lucas family married Mlsst Florence D'Arche a hundred years ago. The D'Arche family was one of the first families of Missouri The Lucas family is also of long standing in Missouri, although It did not come here uutll after the United States gained possession. The Lu-cas Lu-cas familj originally came from Normandy, France. They left Normandy Nor-mandy to come to Pittsburg, then Fort Pitt, Pa.. In 17SZ. ino original Lucas In Amorloa was a lawyer and the Lucas famllv has bi so prolific In lawyers ever since. They have been prominent on the bench of the State. John B. Lucas was the first presiding justice. HIS son Charles Lucas, also was a lawyer. law-yer. He was a rival of Senator ThoS. Benton and when a young man fought a duel with Ronton. Benton Ben-ton killed him and later when the j State was admitted to the Union Bi uton became United States Sena- tor. Miss Dorothy DeLaureal Bakewell is another of this year's debutantes who can trace her ancestry back through many generations of residence resi-dence In her native State. Her grandmother was a DeLaureal. The DoLaureals were an old French family and have been prominent In the history of the State. "Mr. Smith, to whom vou were talking so much, Is a married man." "Oh, I knew that." "How did you know It?" "By the way he listened." lis-tened." Baltimore American. |