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Show AND STILL THEY GOME-THE WORLD'S GREATEST PHOTOPLAYS I TWO SUPERB OFFERINGS TYTf JHllYlTTT PARAMOUNT I THBS COMING WEEK AT J. O.Hj JjLF Hi PLAYHOUSE I Tomorrow andf or four days : Maclyn Arbuckle in "The County Chairman" 50c in New York ; a dime here. George Ade, the author; Henry W. Savage, the producer; Famous Players the actors all SB Thursday, Friday and Saturday : Max Figman in "What's His Name" and a two-reel Keystone Seven reels of quality ; a dime, of course. George Barr McCutcheon the author i i ..i. a. j HH Max Figman and Lolita Robertson, the stars-Charles Chaplin, Max Swain and Mabel; a!! names you all know. -utcneon, the author, Jesse L. Lasky, the producer, H |