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Show VON DER GOLTZ SENTENCED TO TERM IN JA!L I London, Nov. 27, 8:33 a. m. The :aae o. riorst Von Der Uolti Bridgeman Taylor, which for n ( ' promised to parallel the ccr-o of Carl I Hans Lody. who v. as executed a3 u German spy, klmmered down in the Bow 'street police court toda; when the prosecution elected to try the prisoner on the oimplo charge of failing fail-ing to register as an alien enemy, j Accordingly there will bo no court martial Vcn Der Co'tr. BWOTQ tttAt he W23 hern in San Francinco. that ho went to Gonrany when hr was 12 years old. and lefL that country when he was 17. He had served in the Mcxi- ; Ban army. In ordo to do thi3 h had to becoin a i citteon Bti;i claims Msxjpan nationality. Tro prisoner admitted his parent veje German 'T;rO'; ar? " (V " Ml rnsriito- "wVt Jutlf'rilt,n hT I zen npmed Prldgeman Taylor" In reply the prisoner explained that an American passport facilitated trav-el. trav-el. He admitted that he had told an attache of the British foreign office that he could reeal the time of the proposed Zeppelin raids. "Then you came here to sell Ger-ixnan Ger-ixnan secrets to us." remarked the pros-jecutor. pros-jecutor. The prisoner admitted this was so. Still maintaining that he was not a German subject and under no obligation obliga-tion to. register Von Der Goltz heard j the court impose a sentence of six I months at hard labor, recommending ihjt at the conclusion of this term he be deported |