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Show RANDOM REFERENCES I Good watches Price. 27$ 25th. - From Missoula D. T Mason, head of the silviculture department of the forest service at Missoula. Mont., Is in the city visiting foresters at headquarters. head-quarters. Dr. Coulter and Dr Bart!ett. First National Bank Building Phone 96 Advertisement. New Homes James Mollnrd is building a residence on Twenty-flec-ond street between Grant and Lincoln Lin-coln avenue, that will cost in the neighborhood of $1000. On Twenty-fourth Twenty-fourth street, between "A" and Pacific Pa-cific avenue! I w. Wheelwright has bejmn the erection of a residence to cost $1500. COAL All kinds. M L. -Tones Coal and Ice Co, office 413 24th St. New Night Superintendent Gladys Titley, sister ol Edward L TItley of ' 732 Twenty-fourth street, has arrived I from Portland. Ore., to accept the position of night superintendent of the Dee hospital. She is an experl-H experl-H enced trained nurse. That popular butter B & G Clover Leaf brand. I Will Speak Elder Alva Scoville r- v. il give an addresa before the Ninth ward congregation tomorrow evening. Special music will also be given. Healy Lunch Room, 11" '-'."tli St . Open all night, ("hill, noodles, -h' rt ! order Mover and Oglerree, Props -J Soldiers A party of f: United Slates soldiers is expected to arrive 'in Ogdeu on Denver & Hlo Grande I i rain No. 1, Monday The men are I ell route from Jefferson barracks to Seattle. Wash., and will be transferred transfer-red to the Oregon Short Line here. On motion of the plaintiff, the case of the Fairbanks. Morse & Co., I r.eainst the Electric Service company has been dismissed without prejudice, j Russia today is what the House of j Romanoff has made it. In what man-1 nr i er and by what methods the Ro I n.anoffs have done more than other ralers is the Sunday night theme in Kiist Presbyterian church. Sixth Ward In addition to the program previously announced fori the annual conference of the Sixth j ward, which Is to be held tomorrow, SI Mrs. Norma Sears Evans will give B reading, at the morning meeting, and Mrs. David B Fonlger will render a stuo at the evening session. There v-ill be meetings at 9 and 10 a. m. I and 2 and 7 p. m. j Last of The Examiner The police J received a report from the office of The Morning Examiner today to the I effect that the company's mail cart i had been stolen. Bicycle Stolen J S Campbell of I 3185 Washington avenue reported the j iheft of his bicycle to the police last I night. A description of the bicycle was telephoned to Salt Lake City and this morning Captain Johnson of I the Salt Lake police department no- tified the Ogden officers that it had I been located at a pawn shop Lecture In Zlon Professor J. M. Mills go to Salt Lake City tomorrow T'orning, to deliver an address before the Parent' class of the Sixth ward, in response to an invitation given I him several weeks ago by the super intendent of the ward Sunday school. Poultry Show President Cieorg Poulter and Secretary Wilford Bram-well Bram-well of the Ogden Poultrv association are making extensive preparations for the annual poultry show, which Is to he held during the latter part of next month They state that the local . I merchants are giving them all possi ble encouragement for the putting on - j of a successful show. Teacners Return -The majority of : ' the teachers of the city schools have I returned from Salt Lake, where they I J ) tended the annual conention of the H j Utah Educational association early in I ! the week. H I Should Have New Jails State San- H !'j itary Inspector,. Frank Emery made : 2" I an inspection of the county jail today 1 and. while he reported that the place I 1s being kept in the best possible sanitary condition In the circum- stances, he would recommend that I the counts build a new jail He thinks that Weber county and Ogden should hase better jail facilities. One More Dollar J F. Marley today to-day subscribed through The Standard i to the Belgian relief Fund. H1h subscription came too late to be i know-lodged with the regular list Elder Alva Scoville of the Weber stake high council is to be the speaker nt the afternoon service tomorrow In the Tabernacle Special music will be furnished by the Ogden Taber nacle choir. Ilaghart Anderson sr , who recently returned from a mission to Norway, will be the speaker at th evening meeting tomorrow in the Third ward meeting house MrH. Myrtle Ballin-ger Ballin-ger Higlev will render several solos. R H Burdlck departed today via the ITnlon Pacific for El Paso. Tex. George O'Brien was arrested yesterday yester-day evening by Detective Tom Burk on Twenty-fifth street, between Washington Wash-ington and Hudson avenues. No charge had been made against him up to a late hour this afternoon Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses licen-ses have been issued to Edwin L Jones and Hilda Wattarlln of Arco, Ida., and to Clarence B. Pribble of Ogden and Lillian Harry of Smith-field |