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Show TWENTY-FIVE MEN SUSPICIONED Arrests for Murder of New York Poultry Dealer to Be Made. New York, Nov. 28 With twenty-: five poultry dealers under suspicion Of having conspired to bring about the death of Baruet Baff. who was shot and killed in a street here Tin sday night, arrests within 24 hours were promised by the police today. Baff, a dealer in poultry , had op-j roped the methods of a so-called poultry (rust and according to his I i Lends had lor some lime been marked for assassination The murder mur-der was characterized at the coroner s office as similar to the case of Herman Her-man Rosenthal, and District Attorney Whitman's detectives are working with the police on the theory that gi.nmen were hired to kill Baff. A man under suspicion as being the go-between who procured the murder is being sought in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Evidence is said lo be in police possession pointing to a, score of persons whose names Harry Baff son of Barnet Baff, has given '.o the authorities |