Show SENATOR CLARK SENDS WORDS OF appreciation wilf be unable to attend he irrigation congress and hear choir sing in response to the vote of thanks which the tabernacle choir telegraphed to william H dark for the gift of 1000 to aid them in attending the irrigation congress at portland this month joseph ballantyne has received from mr dark the following letter july 1905 joseph ballantyne director ogrett tabernacle choir ogden utah dear sir I 1 received your very hind message of the conveying expressions of thanks of yourself and mem bers of the choir tor my contribution towards your excursion to the portland irrigation congress and with congratulations upon my speedy recovery and your best wishes generally I 1 beg to assure you of my highest appreciation of these expressions of tender sentiments on the part of the members ot the choir and thank you heartily tor the same I 1 regret very much that I 1 will bo unable to be present at portland to hear the rendition of the irrigation ode which was so beautifully rendered during the session at ogden and which I 1 should be delighted to hear again I 1 am convalescing with remarkable rapidity with best wishes for yourself and you may have a delightful trip to port land and a sate return and with kindest wishes tor your future success I 1 remain yours sincerely W A CLARK |